Salary negotiation guide GUIDELINES TO MAKE A SALARY NEGOTIATION Wait the employer make the ?rst o ?er this o ?er should be between your salary ranges otherwise you can indicate that is below your expectations according a preview research Be objective pos

GUIDELINES TO MAKE A SALARY NEGOTIATION Wait the employer make the ?rst o ?er this o ?er should be between your salary ranges otherwise you can indicate that is below your expectations according a preview research Be objective positive and courteous to make a new o ?er that meets your needs Negotiate salary is not the only area if the salary is non-negotiable from the start you can negotiate other options such as bonuses salary reviews life and disability insurance retirement or pension plans etc Know when to say the right answer Hintergrundwissen aneignen Beobachten Vorstellungsrunde vorbereiten Die richtige Kleidung Zu Fehlern stehen Schlüsselpersonen identi ?zieren Nicht sofort nach Urlaub fragen Die Ressourcen kennen Den richtigen Zeitpunkt abwarten Zwischenmenschliche Kontakte forcieren Genau zuh? ren Nicht über den alten Job l? stern Mit Kritik zurückhalten SALARY ?? Establish an absolute salary range and be prepared to walk away if necessary Research if the new company is growing and optimistic Highlight your experience to negotiate a higher salary Explain your salary history to justify the deserved salary ?? Review recent salary surveys and talk with professionals in your ?eld Anticipate any objections the employer and justify your cost e ?ectiveness Demonstrate your knowledge about the salary range within the local market of your profession Discuss the salaries in your ?eld Include a list of contributions that defend the salary you are requesting C Make a realistic salary o ?er if you do not have enough experience Include other types of compensations Be grounded on objective criteria to make your o ?ers Avoid commenting how much money your friends earn in other ?elds or making comparisons with other companies in the same ?eld Do not talk about the amount of money you need for your bills your house or the education of your children Do not appear eager or desperate for the job Does not fudge your salary history because interviewers can look into Once the employer makes an o ?er the interviewee does not need to accept or reject a perfect answer could be I need to think it - majority of employers are willing to negotiate After both parties have con ?rmed the o ?er verbally get a copy in writing and do not forget to send a thank you letter One or two days are an acceptable time to evaluate the total compensation package and ensure your duties responsibilities and expectations Gehaltsgespr? ch ?? Diese Tipps kommen richtig gut Wenn ein Gehaltsgespr? ch ansteht sollte man bestens vorbereitet sein Mit den folgenden Tipps stehen die Chancen auf ein erfolgreiches Resultat des Gehaltsgespr? chs sehr gut Tipp Berufsanf? nger machen oftmals den Fehler Gehaltsforderungen zu stellen Besser ist es sich vorher ein Angebot machen zu lassen Dies dient dann als Grundlage für das Gehaltsgespr? ch Tipp Nicht nur Berufsanf? nger sollten sich eine kurze Bedenkzeit nehmen nachdem einem ein Angebot gemacht Content conversation - These tips really get going If a salary discussion is pending you should be well prepared The

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