Rdap user x27 s guide RADIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE User ? s Guide WHPC RDAP CRADIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE User ? s Guide Version -- September Revised ?? ? WH Power Consultants WH Power Consultants P O Box Las Cruces NM - CTable of Contents

RADIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE User ? s Guide WHPC RDAP CRADIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE User ? s Guide Version -- September Revised ?? ? WH Power Consultants WH Power Consultants P O Box Las Cruces NM - CTable of Contents Section Page RDAP Setup RDAP Fundamentals Using Menus with RDAP Maneuvering Around A Screen First Time Data Preparation RDAP Options Error Messages RDAP Program and Data Files CRDAP Setup System Requirements ? An IBM Personal Computer or -compatible running a MS -DOS version or later or b Microsoft Windows version or later running in the enhanced mode or c Microsoft NT ? megabytes of RAM for Microsoft Windows version or megabytes of RAM for Microsoft Windows or NT ? A hard drive with megabytes of free space for program ?les Space for system data is required at a very general rate of megabyte per feeder segments Data storage is dependent on the extent of modeling detail Note - This product requires a text editor if optional text ?le output is selected from the program The program User's Guide requires MS Word RDAP Setup ? Create a directory called RDAP in the C directory and extract the ?les in RDAP ZIP into it ? Create a shortcut to DPR EXE see Windows documentation on creating shortcuts and move it to the desktop ? Right click on the shortcut and then click on properties ? In the properties program tab a Checkmark the close on exit b Change the icon to C RDAP RD ICO ? In the properties screen tab select the full screen under usage ? In Windows versions before within the CONFIG SYS ?le in the root directory CONFIG NT in NT SYSTEM directory the FILES XXX statement must be at least ? Double click on the RDAP icon to start the program ? To toggle between a FULL SCREEN or a WINDOW on the desktop use the key combination In Windows XP mouse function does not work well in the FULL SCREEN Switching to a WINDOW returns the mouse function A list of RDAP program and database ?les is found on page of the User ? s Guide RDAP Setup C RDAP Setup CRDAP Fundamentals RDAP models all three phases of a distribution system Any degree of unbalance caused by loading and or line con ?guration is taken into account All data is input through the selection of menu options Analysis is performed on radial feeders only and consists of ? Volt Flow ? Motor Starting ? Short Circuit RDAP stores the data for any number of distribution systems Terminology used and the models of system components are described below System A system consists of any number of substations and their associated feeders When an RDAP session begins the last system studied becomes the ??active ? system and is identi ?ed on the screen If no system exists RDAP suggests activating a system from an option under the File menu pad From the File popup the System Selection

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