Reference guide 7 CAcknowledgements This guide was compiled by Sara Mitha Segarani Naidoo and David Thomas with input from the DUT Academics and Information Services Team The electronic version of this guide is available at http libguides dut ac za c php

CAcknowledgements This guide was compiled by Sara Mitha Segarani Naidoo and David Thomas with input from the DUT Academics and Information Services Team The electronic version of this guide is available at http libguides dut ac za c php g Disclaimer Please be advised that there are many variations to the Harvard referencing style This guide attempts to capture the latest practices and is customised for DUT As this is a generic guide please con ?rm with your department supervisor for departmental preferences Citation for this guide Mitha S Naidoo S and Thomas D eds Referencing guide DUT Harvard referencing style Durban Durban University of Technology Library CTable of Contents Introduction What is referencing Why reference Glossary Steps to ensure academic integrity There are two key aspects to referencing Referencing tips Books print and online Single author Multiple authors Editor Author Editor unknown Corporate author Books without publication date Secondary sources Chapters Sections in a book i Page Non-English title Book reviews Translated work Reports Reference sources Journals print and online Journals with volume and part issue number Journals without volume number Journals special issues supplementary issue Journal article without an author Multiple citations for journal articles Journal articles with article ID Journals reference to more than one publication by same author in the same year Journal without page numbers Secondary sources Newspapers Conference proceedings C Papers in conference abstract volumes Other Online Sources Internet sources with author s Internet sources without author s Internet sources without a date Blogs weblogs Wikis Social networking sites Facebook Twitter Bebo etc Computer programs Government publications patents councils and miscellaneous documents print and online Commissions with a chairperson Councils as issuing bodies Government reports Government Gazettes Green papers White papers in Government Gazette White papers not in Government Gazette ii P a g e Laws or Acts Law cases Tax cases Patents Standards Cartographic materials images artwork video recordings Cartographic material Maps Artwork images paintings or photographs Artwork sculptures or carvings Artwork unknown creator or date TV programme broadcast Film Video recordings Online video YouTube Vimeo Live performances Other sources print and online Presentations posters policy documents Lecture notes and study learner subject guides C Meeting minutes Theses and Dissertations Pamphlets Brochures Datasets Preprints Personal communications telephone conversation interviews and e- mail Useful websites Example of a reference list iii P a g e CIntroduction Durban University of Technology DUT aims to promote academic integrity and honesty Referencing ensures academic integrity and prevents plagiarism It is important to acknowledge the work of an author and the most accepted way is to use a referencing system This guide outlines the Harvard Referencing style which most faculties at the University use While there are variations to the ??Harvard ? system this guide is compiled to suit the needs of both DUT sta ? and students The guide will assist in proper referencing techniques when using the various reference sources It shows you how to insert references in the text of your work in-text reference and

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