Skyrim trophy guide 1 COverview Estimated trophy di ?culty Platinum Di ?culty Rating O ine Online Approximate amount of time to hours Estimated Time to Platinum Minimum number of playthroughs needed Number of missable trophies Oblivion Walker War Hero pot
COverview Estimated trophy di ?culty Platinum Di ?culty Rating O ine Online Approximate amount of time to hours Estimated Time to Platinum Minimum number of playthroughs needed Number of missable trophies Oblivion Walker War Hero potentially see the trophy for more info With Friends Like These Bound Until Death Hail Sithis Glitched trophies None Do cheat codes disable trophies No cheats available Do trophies stack They sure do The PS remaster is an additional trophy list PS Note Using mods on the PS remaster will disable trophies Introduction Walkthrough Welcome to Skyrim the biggest RPG of the year and one of the most rewarding experiences you're ever likely to have on consoles Let ? s get started You want a Platinum Trophy from this game huh Prepare yourself for a long and arduous ride It's not a hard trophy list in any way shape or form but there are a few trophies that could take you anywhere in the region of - hours ?? namely the level trophy Everything else will come along the way if you do all the main questlines and visit a ton of places So you want two Platinum Trophies Well aren't you in luck because there is an additional trophy list for the PS version If you want to run this marathon again have at it because you can Where do I start The truth is you can start wherever the hell you want If you want to start by doing the main questline go ahead If you want to start by doing the Thieves Guild carry on What I would say though is that when you ? re working through the game and whatever else you do around Skyrim keep one eye on a few of the cumulative trophies like collecting gold reading skill books and picking pockets locks other than that just do what you want and consult this guide when you need more guidance on how and when to do something Oh and remember to persuade bribe and intimidate someone whilst in game ? theoretically if you do hundreds of quests only sticking to one you could miss this Supremely unlikely but true NOTE Now I ? m not sure what happens if you kill a major questline giver like the leader of the Thieves Guild or the leader of the Dark Brotherhood or even if you can so try not to The Radiant Storytelling system should o ?er new quest givers but we didn't ?nd ourselves in that position What about those missable trophies Oblivion Walker for getting Daedric artefacts is the only one missable which we discovered after extensive testing This is basically because in these quests you need to obtain the artefact in of them and some of them you can come away without it So take heed and keep an eye on these artefacts - anything that involves a shrine or some other-worldly spirit of power take heed There are only a handful of those that result in
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- Publié le Sep 25, 2021
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- Langue French
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