Spo1510 walkthrough guide SPO WALKTHROUGH Guide ACT -- Everywhere Always Objective Showing your presences both in classrooms and online The game begins in the spring semester and has an mandatory presence You may play this at the Rookie level in which you

SPO WALKTHROUGH Guide ACT -- Everywhere Always Objective Showing your presences both in classrooms and online The game begins in the spring semester and has an mandatory presence You may play this at the Rookie level in which you as an absolute minimum have to be present of the time given to case discussions Tuesdays to p m Room C and work with mandatory assignments Thursdays to Room A If you play it at the Elite level you also have to show a very high level of presence online mainly on Twitter where your lecturer often will try and engage you in dialogue The strategy you choose in this level has to be based on your lecturer At present the lecturer is lenient as for class room presence as long as you are active online CAt this point it ? s useful to have a look at the reward system of the game SPO as well as other courses at colleges and universities in Norway use the following grading system Letter grades The grading scale with letter values is a descending scale where A is the best grade E the lowest pass grade and F is fail The assessment is based on de ?ned qualitative criteria for each grade in the grading scale Below you ?nd the general qualitative descriptions of the criteria ? s used in the assessment of your work An excellent performance clearly outstanding The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a high degree of independent thinking A very good performance The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a very good degree of independent thinking A good performance in most areas The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas A satisfactory performance but with signi ?cant shortcomings The candidate demonstrates a limited degree of judgement and independent thinking A performance that meets the minimum criteria but no more The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking A performance that does not meet the minimum academic criteria The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking So it might be a wise strategy to both be present at the case discussions and on Twitter as this might make it easier to ?nish the other levels on time In the ?rst act of the game there are only two levels of di ?culty ?? Elite and Rookie but in the rest of the game you are given the choice of playing either at Elite Veteran or Rookie Playing at the Elite di ?culty and managing all levels will make it possible for you to be rewarded an A or a B Veteran players will have no problems getting the C reward Those who choose to play through the game on Rookie only will end up with either a D or an E Failing in completing the mandatory tasks will give you an F The trick in this game is to try and play it at the Elite

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