Student guide Information Technology Business Management Engineering Student Guide Degree Programmes SLIIT The Premier Degree Awarding Institute in Sri Lanka Approved by the University Grants Commission CSri Lanka Institute of Information Technology SLIIT
Information Technology Business Management Engineering Student Guide Degree Programmes SLIIT The Premier Degree Awarding Institute in Sri Lanka Approved by the University Grants Commission CSri Lanka Institute of Information Technology SLIIT CONTENTS SLIIT Introduction SLIIT Campuses Undergraduate programmes Admission Requirements B Sc Honours Grades Requirements Postgraduate Programmes Details of Academic programmes Laboratory Facilities Library Facilities Research and Development Facilities Entrepreneurship Development at SLIIT Software Engineering Services Division Professional Development Programmes Division Links with IT Industry Student Services Sports Clubs Societies Students ? Achievements SLIIT Alumni Success Stories Scholarships Fees Student Conduct Board of Directors Academic Sta ? Calendar of Dates SLIIT IS APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA AS A DEGREE AWARDING INSTITUTE UNDER SECTION A OF THE UNIVERSITIES ACT NO OF AND AS AMENDED SLIIT IS A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITIES Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology reserves the right to amend any policy or program or course of study described herein without prior notice ? Copyright Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology i www sliit lk CSri Lanka Institute of Information Technology SLIIT Vision Mission Our Vision To be a Center of Excellence to advance and disseminate knowledge foster and promote innovation and produce world-class intellectuals to best serve the nation and beyond Our Mission To create a learning and research environment with best possible resources for our students and sta ? to be innovative and dedicated to excellence and to produce graduates with strong analytical problem-solving and communication skills www sliit lk ii CSri Lanka Institute of Information Technology SLIIT Message from the Chairman Chancellor SLIIT has won many accolades as an institution which o ?ers Bachelor's and Master's degrees and specialized training programmes based on internationally accepted curricula SLIIT has thus far produced over graduates and IT professionals in the ?eld of Information Technology to serve our nation The degree programmes at SLIIT are drawn up in close collaboration with foreign partner universities in Australia United Kingdom and the United States to facilitate Sri Lankan students to obtain degrees of high distinction and global acceptance Depending on their choice SLIIT students enjoy the privilege of either completing the degree studies entirely at SLIIT or at our partner universities SLIIT has over academic and professional sta ? members in its regular cadre and continues to recruit highly quali ?ed and dedicated academics and professionals to ensure proper dissemination of knowledge and to advance frontiers of knowledge in strategic areas of study SLIIT has the infrastructure and teaching resources to ensure its students a learning experience that is rewarding and enriching Professor S Karunaratne Chairman Chancellor Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology former Vice Chancellor University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka iii www sliit lk CSri Lanka Institute of Information Technology SLIIT Message from the President CEO SLIIT is the premier higher education institute in the ?eld of Information and Communication Technology in Sri Lanka producing high quality graduates with a high level of employability With the objective of developing
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- Publié le Apv 16, 2022
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