The paradises their cities and their rivers

The Paradises their Cities and their Rivers Joannes Richter Name People Eden Iraq Kurdish ETUSCan Latin Spanish Portuguese Dutch Latin Paradise City Eridu ERIDU River Tigris MEZIN River Euphrates FIRAT Erbil ERBIL Spina SPINA Rome SEVILla LISBOA Doesburg Tuistoburg Tigris MEZIN Po BODIS or PADYS Tiber TIBER Guadalquivir BAETIS Tagus TAGUS Waal VALIS Adisch ADUZI or Etsch ETUSC Table The Paradises their Cities and their Rivers River River Pis h on Gihon PISON P ASIN Abstract In archaic episodes a regional fertility may be based on a large river which supplies enough water to feed a fertile region of a few acres and the population of a city Usually the most fertile regions are located near the estuaries of the largest rivers On a European and Near-East scale the most fertile regions are located at the estuary of largest rivers Tigris Euphrates Pis h on and Gihon where the ??oldest ? global city of Eridu arose This essay describes paradises with the names for the relevant rivers cities and peoples The most famous paradise was Eden in Iraq which had been fed by rivers The capital for the garden of Eden was Eridu ERIDU located at the mouth of the rivers Tigris Euphrates Pis h on and Gihon We might notice the names for the rivers and the city Eridu are -grams MEZIN FIRAT PISON PASIN and ERIDU ERIDU was the southernmost of a conglomeration of Sumerian cities that grew around temples almost in sight of one another Another Asian paradise was centered around Erbil ERBIL located at the river Tigris Kurdish Ava MEZIN also HAWLER or Arbela capital and most populated city in the Kurdish Region of Iraq In Europe a number of similar paradises may be identi ?ed which also are based on similar concept of the two rivers Po and Adisch or PADYS or BODIS respectively ADUZI or ETUSC and an Etruscan ETUSCan city Spina SPINA An alternative name for the river Padus is ?? ?ridanus ? which correlates to ERIDU and the name ??Po ? may be derived from the old Ligurian name Bodincus root BODIS Another minor ancient paradise named Rome is located at the Tiber TIBER The etymology of Tiber is preLatin and its origin may be Italic The Po BODIS Adisch or Etsch ETUSC and Tiber TIBER are the three largest rivers in Italy in which the Po is referring to the paradises of Spina SPINA In the Netherlands the largest mainstream distributary branch of the Rhine is the Waal VALIS length km m ? s This essay only describes paradises next to the rivers Tigris Euphrates Pis h on and Gihon in the Near-East region and European paradises at the estuaries of a few ??largest rivers ? Po Adisch and Tiber Waal Each of these bundled or singular rivers may have been turned into a center for a ??paradise ? Varusschlacht - Band - Seite - Google Books The Rhine m ? s largest river in Western Europe CThe paradise of Eden

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