Universal law vol i stankov
Volume I The Universal Law From the Universal Law to General Theory of Physics and Science by Georgi Stankov München pages In German language short summary This comprehensive scienti ?c book builds the foundation of the new Scienti ?c Theory of the Universal Law in physics and mathematics including philosophy of mathematics and methodology of science It was written between and early It covers the physical theory as presented in standard textbooks on physics and cosmology for students worldwide In particular it considers the excellent Feynman Lectures on Physics which are very popular among physicists and other technical specialists Together with the English volume II on physics and cosmology volume I encompasses a two-years basic course on the new Physics of the Universal Law for all students in physics and natural sciences The book is divided in three parts In Part I the basic ideas of the new physical and mathematical axiomatics of the Universal Law are derived from human consciousness and explained in terms of science The universal validity of the new theory is illustrated by deriving some fundamental physical constants and basic equations such as the Schr? dinger wave equation from the Universal Law and by integrating them for the ?rst time in the history of physics A new axiomatic symbolism consisting of only three abstract mathematical signs is introduced which integrates and eliminates all mathematical symbols and signs currently used in physics and natural sciences The latter are responsible for the arti ?cial complexity and fundamental cognitive confusion in these disciplines With the help of these three symbols all physical magnitudes natural constants and known physical laws are derived from the basic term of human consciousness being space-time energy All-That-Is The nature of the basic term is assessed by the Universal Law which is the mathematical presentation of all its physical properties Thus it can be proven that physics is nothing else but applied mathematics for physical matter This theoretical discovery renders the fundamental proof that space-time has only two dimensions ?? space and time frequency - so that all known SI-dimensions and their units can be derived from these two basic dimensions of human perception This proof brings about the greatest theoretical and cognitive revolution in modern human science as it also profoundly a ?ects bio-science philosophy and all social sciences The wrong de ?nition of the basic physical terms mass and charge is revealed and a new coherent interpretation of these quantities is given Hence mass is an energy relationship and charge is a synonym for geometric area see publication below Based on this novel theoretical knowledge the concept of space-time is discussed in Part II in terms of cosmology Many irrefutable proofs are furnished showing why the standard model of the hot expanding universe also known as the big-bang- hypothesis and the current interpretation of the Hubble-Law are entirely wrong and must be refuted This leads to the abolishment of the whole edi ?ce of present-day cosmology and the development of a completely new
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- Publié le Jan 10, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 69.5kB