Exam 3 home Résultats de l'évaluation ? Planning Basics Exam https adaptiveinsightspartners litmos com home LearningPath Résultats de l'évaluation Planning Basics Exam a été terminé par Ilyes Adjal le AM Tentatives ? Note Note minimale exigée - Réussi F T

home Résultats de l'évaluation ? Planning Basics Exam https adaptiveinsightspartners litmos com home LearningPath Résultats de l'évaluation Planning Basics Exam a été terminé par Ilyes Adjal le AM Tentatives ? Note Note minimale exigée - Réussi F Temps passé Bonne réponse Pondération What ?elds are required when you import standard data Select three correct answers Dimension Split Label ? Date ? Account ? Level Bonne réponse Pondération What action is required before you can create an access rule based on all users' owned levels Select two correct answers You must be assigned the privileged actuals access ? A user group must be created with all users assigned to the group You must be assigned the permission anomaly detection ? User pro ?les must be created with assigned owned levels Bonne réponse Pondération When a user imports data to a modeled sheet and selects the Replace all data in the sheet for all levels option which of the following will occur ? All data at all levels will be replaced with the import ?le data All data at only the levels the user has access to will replaced All data remains and new data is appended from the import ?le All data at only the levels the user has access to will updated with any changes https adaptiveinsightspartners litmos com assessment results token ef e e ? c db a b US user WsSTUi Nzp ptYzJUmd Fg cou ? C Résultats de l'évaluation Bonne réponse What are characteristics of rollup versions Select two correct answers ? Rollup versions do not allow for data entry or data imports Exchange rates can di ?er by each actuals sub-version Rollup versions allow for data entry ? Rollup versions are read-only Pondération Bonne réponse Where can users review audit trail changes Transaction Report ? Audit Trail Search Report Standard sheet Matrix Report Pondération Bonne réponse What does an association create a connection with Dimension values and global user groups Attribute values and individual users ? Dimension values and individual users Accounts and individual users Pondération Mauvaise réponse Pondération What actuals version option determines the actuals overlay end date within plan version s Completed values through Left scroll limit End of version Lock leading day through Bonne réponse Pondération A user has an access rule assigned with one level and access type Full View The same user is assigned to a user-assigned sheet that has all levels enabled What level of access do you have on the user-assigned sheet ? You can view and edit data for all levels in the user-assigned sheet https adaptiveinsightspartners litmos com assessment results token ef e e ? c db a b US user WsSTUi Nzp ptYzJUmd Fg cou ? C Résultats de l'évaluation You cannot view any user-assigned sheets You can only edit the granted level from the access rule in the user- assigned sheet You can only view the granted level from the access rule in the user- assigned sheet Bonne réponse Pondération What type of data can

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