Fic guide 2007 1 GUIDE SPECIAL EDITION Foreign Investors Council October C C CADVERTORIAL Roman Kratochvil Member of the Management Board of Alas Holding Building on investment l The aim of your company is to be among the ?ve biggest producers of building

GUIDE SPECIAL EDITION Foreign Investors Council October C C CADVERTORIAL Roman Kratochvil Member of the Management Board of Alas Holding Building on investment l The aim of your company is to be among the ?ve biggest producers of building material in Serbia How far have you progressed towards realising this goal After taking part in the privatisation of Beo ?inska Fabrika Cementa and purchasing a major package of shares in Zorka Nemetali we became certain in our attitude that Serbia is a great market with enormous potential We reorganised Zorka Nemetali and established companies that function on market principles and successfully ??struggle ? on their markets due to the development of more intense relations with and sense for the end- user i e the buyer The production capacity of Zorka Keramika ceramics was doubled in to million square-metres and we have created new products that are competitive even against imported ceramics We are now preparing a new investment in production capacity enlargement to six million square-metres and the widening of our range of products One of our major investments this year will be made in Zorka Opeka bricks The value of the investment will be around three million euros and the factory will become one of the most up-to-date factories for brick production anywhere in this region We have also invested in Zorka Alas Kamen stone in the quarries Jazovnik and Sesevica as well as in the plant for stone drying and micronization processing Starting from we have been engaged in a green ?eld project to establish a new quarry within Zorka Alas Kamen Ceramide in the area of the Gornji Milanovac municipality The biggest crusher on the Balkans is installed in that quarry In company Alas Rakovac where we own of shares reconstruction and re- Guide to the Foreign Investors Council Tremendous improvements have been made since our entrance in Alas Holding In total turnover was million but this year we plan to make a turnover of million vitalisation of the existing equipment has been combined with the installing of the new plant The value of the investment in Alas Rakovac is million We accepted our obligation to complete the re-cultivation of two quarries on Fru ?ka gora ?? Srebro and Ki ?njeva glava ?? and issued bank guarantees for each of those quarries to the value of and million They are guarantees for a job well done After re-cultivating these quarries from which the stone has been mined for years a new picnic and recreation area will be made l To date you have invested around million in the purchase of ?rms here in Serbia Which companies are those and are you satis ?ed with their operations so far We entered the Serbian market together with Lafarge and the Wintersdorf group and undertook the property transformation of Beo ?inska Fabrika Cementa After that we bought a major package of Zorka Nemetali shares at public auction This share has now increased to The name of Zorka Nemetali was changed

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