Bibliography Primary Sources DuPont S F Letter to Gideon Wells Secretary of the U S Navy May MS N p In this letter Admiral DuPont praises Robert's bravery and intelligence to the Secretary of theU S Navy Intelligence City The Steamer Planter Charleston Da
Primary Sources DuPont S F Letter to Gideon Wells Secretary of the U S Navy May MS N p In this letter Admiral DuPont praises Robert's bravery and intelligence to the Secretary of theU S Navy Intelligence City The Steamer Planter Charleston Daily Courier Charlston South Carolina May n pag Print This is the Southern perspective of the treasonous act of the theft of the Planter Newspaper Articles Ravenel F G Memorandum Letter to Roswell S Ripley May Deadconfederates com N p May Web Feb Brevet Lieutenant F G Ravenel wrote a letter to the o ?cer in charge of the Confederatedefenses informing him of the theft of the Planter The Steamer Planter and Her Captor Harper's Weekly C New York New York June Print This is the perspective of the Northern side that portrayed Robert as a hero Secondary Sources Websites Abduction of the Confederate Steamer Planter from Charleston S C May ? The Civil War Gazette May Accessed February http civilwargazette wordpress com abd uction-of-the- confederate-steamer-planter-fromcharleston-s-c-may- - This article includes what was written by S F Dupont regarding Robert's superior intelligence Blain Roberts Ethan J Kytle Robert Smalls' Great Escape Opinionator Robert Smalls' Great Escape Comments May Accessed January http opinionator blogs nytimes com rob ert-smallss-great-escape On this website we learned more about the great escape of Robert Smalls CCelliana Miss Neatorama Neatorama February Accessed January http www neatorama com the- ?rstblack- american-sea-captain In this website it talks how Robert Smalls became a worker on The Planter and how he stole it Hall Andy Dead Confederates A Civil War Era Blog Dead Confederates A Civil War Era Blog May Accessed January http deadconfederates com sucks- to-beyou-lieutenant-ravenel Here we found a copy of the communication that the Brever Lieutenant wrote to the naval superiors regarding the abduction of the Planter Hall Andy Dead Confederates A Civil War Era Blog Dead Confederates A Civil War Era Blog May Accessed February http deadconfederates com to-bedivided- between-robert-smalls-and-his-associates Information regarding the reward and what the reward amount actually should have been Hall Andy Dead Confederates A Civil War Era Blog Dead Confederates A Civil War Era Blog web log May Accessed February http deadconfederates com one- Cof-the-most-daring-and-heroic-adventures-since-thewar-commenced On this website we descovered the letter written by the o ?cer of the planter to the southern goverment to explain the stealing of the ship McLeod Harriet South Carolina Marks Ex-slave's Daring Sail to Freedom Reuters May Accessed January http www reuters com article us-usacivilwar-southcarolinaidUSBRE D Y This website increased our knowing of the escape of Robert Smalls Memorandum F G Ravenel to Roswell S Ripley May In Deadconfederates com May Accessed February deadconfederates com sucks-to-be-youlieutenant-ravenel Brevet Lieutenant G Ravenel wrote a letter to the o ?cer in charge of the Confederate defenses informing him of the theft of the Planter Paul ZummoDonald R McClarey Almost Chosen People Almost Chosen People May Accessed January http almostchosenpeople wordpress com may- - -robert- smalls-siezes-css-planter COn this website there was a biography of Robert Smalls PBS Accessed January
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- Publié le Apv 07, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
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