Bloodborne guide And so the nightly hunt begins Welcome to the o ?cial Bloodborne Mini Guide On the pages that follow you ? ll ?nd everything you need to know about starting out in Bloodborne Information that can ? t found anywhere else is yours to study
And so the nightly hunt begins Welcome to the o ?cial Bloodborne Mini Guide On the pages that follow you ? ll ?nd everything you need to know about starting out in Bloodborne Information that can ? t found anywhere else is yours to study and detailed maps to show you Yharnam as only its creators have seen it From your ?rst steps in Central Yharnam to landing the killing blow against Father Gascoigne we ? ll guide you all the way and ensure nothing is missed Contents Hunting Grounds This chapter combines a walkthrough and an area guide covering all of Central Yharnam The Bestiary A few of Central Yharnam ? s lethal inhabitants are dissected here and the battle with Father Gascoigne is covered in detail Arsenal Attire This chapter is full of exclusive stats and numbers that break down the tools at your disposal The content of this mini guide is taken from the Bloodborne O ?cial Collector ? s Edition guide by Future Press For details on the guide ? s full contents check out the last page of this guide Bloodborne Collector ? s Edition Guide For purchasing details visit future- press com Chapter Overview The Bestiary In this guide we ? ve taken direct excerpts from three di ?erent chapters of the full o ?cial guide These are large and detailed chapters so we ? ll brie y go through how each of them works Hunting Grounds This is no standard walkthrough nor even a standard area guide it ? s actually a hybrid chapter that shows you everything there is to know about each area while also providing a critical route to follow All areas begin with an overview page on which you ? ll ?nd the full area map alongside a breakdown of everything the area contains enemies NPCs items and landmarks Area Details Here we show key information about the area We ? ve come up with some small signi ?ers to give you an idea of an area ? s di ?culty level and its place within the game ? s overall ow Use information such as the di ?culty and recommended player level to decide when to tackle an area or when to leave a di ?cult boss for later Items Item locations are shown as numbered icons on the overview map and these correspond to the numbers in the Item Legend list Most items have black icons on the map but some very important ones are colored gold to make them stand out and they also appear by the focal point header so that you can easily ?nd the text describing how to get them Split Maps Each page has its own map which is a section cut from the area ? s overall map For these maps we sometimes include areas from di ?erent oors layered on top of each other in order to make the area ? s geography clear In these cases if an item
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Sep 16, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 172kB