Cactus guide C CD VAN NOSTRAND C OMPANY INC M ll AHl lxl Avde Me iPTn Y kL dNewJd Yey E l nd acmi S e an e r t N ir n c e t o n ew ers Fou r t h N n u ew or I O ork o i nge r Rd C L d S an

C CD VAN NOSTRAND C OMPANY INC M ll AHl lxl Avde Me iPTn Y kL dNewJd Yey E l nd acmi S e an e r t N ir n c e t o n ew ers Fou r t h N n u ew or I O ork o i nge r Rd C L d S an o t t ar t oronto C ana a S ? s t W C o n o n ng a A ll p d c or r e s on e nc e s h ou ld b e addr es s e d t o t h e ? f I N pr i ncipal o ? ic e o the c ompany at Pr i nc e t on V OYSR GR T OM D I C OP A T A A N N H BY ND C P NY I NC bl d l ly d by Pu VAN STRAND ANY d D ish e simu taneou s NO C OM P in C ana a C an a a L TD b y l d Li r ar of C ongr ess C ata og C ar No ?? All Ri g h ts Reser ve d k T h is b oo r epr odu ced missio n f or any par t s t h er e o may not b e f i n any or m wit h ou t wr i t t en per t h e au t h or s and t h e pu b lis h ers R N ED P I T IN THE U N I TED STATES OF AM ERICA CF O R E WO R D T IS NOT ESSENTIAL to live in a desert country to enjoy the cacti ?? the most bizarre of desert plants that God created Far more people cultivate the cactus in temperate climes than is imagined The plants hold a certain fascination for some it is the strange shapes the cacti assume for others it is the delicate beauty of the exquisite owers and for still others it is the ease with which they can be grown in the home Most of us are not born to love c c ia t but once the bug bites us its sting usually lasts for all time I was born far from any desert region but when my father ?rst brought home a golden spined barrel cactus a craving for more of its kind possessed me It left an indelible mark in my heart It was not until however that I realized what part cactus plants would play in my later life and what enjoyment they would bring me It was then that I started working in the famous Mi ss ouri Botanical Garden where a ?ne collection of cacti was maintained I was given an opportunity to work with the plants under my father s ?

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