Compost tea guide Aerated Compost Tea Guide By Tad Hussey KIS Organics www kisorganics com I ? ve written this guide to help give an overview on how to make aerated compost teas properly using information that has been researched and microscope-tested and

Aerated Compost Tea Guide By Tad Hussey KIS Organics www kisorganics com I ? ve written this guide to help give an overview on how to make aerated compost teas properly using information that has been researched and microscope-tested and based on my years of knowledge in this industry Note I will be updating this periodically in response to questions and new research Page of CTABLE OF CONTENTS Topics What is Aerated Compost Tea Bene ?ts of Aerated Compost Tea Other types of ??Teas ? Brewing Equipment Compost Tea Brewer Designs Compost and Earthworm Castings Food Sources for ACT Brewing Environment Water Quality Temperature Brewing Length Application Frequently Asked Questions Resources Page Number - - - - - - What Is Aerated Compost Tea Page of CAACT or ACT is a process which involves taking water compost and a food source in a container and adding oxygen via an air pump The reason we make ACT is to increase the diversity and biomass of bene ?cial aerobic microorganisms in the soil and on the leaf surface of the plant All these components play key roles in creating optimal conditions for aerobic microorganisms I ? ll break down the necessary ingredients and explain the importance of each component in later sections Fungal hyphae under phase contrast microscope Since the main bene ?t of ACT is to increase microbial life in your soils and on the leaf surface of your plants it ? s a good idea to know a bit about the main players Rather than to get into too much detail here I will just state that what we want in ACT is good diversity and biomass across all sets of major organisms bacteria archaea fungal hyphae agellates with some ciliates and nematodes potentially If you want to dive into learning more about these microorganisms I highly recommend Je ? Lowenfels ? book ??Teaming with Microbes ? If you are interested in microscopy then I suggest starting here http www gardeningwithmicrobes com microscope shtml and http microbeorganics com Bene ?ts of Aerated Compost Tea Page of C Increases Nutrient Cycling - This is the most important bene ?t of making ACT Nutrient cycling is what helps make the nutrients and minerals in the soil into a form that is available for plants to uptake When you apply organic fertilizer you ? re not directly feeding the plant but rather the microorganisms in the soil that will then work to convert the nutrients into a plant-available ionic form Creates Soil Structure - Fungal hyphae helps in creating soil aggregates and bacteria and archaea assist in breaking down organic matter and aerating the soil Increasing biomass in your soil will also help with water holding capacity Plant Protection from Pathogens - While not a silver bullet in preventing all pests and diseases by having more bene ?cial microorganisms on the leaf surface and around the roots the goal is the bene ?cial microbes in ACT outcompete pathogens for that space on the

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