Cutting guide eng cutting GUIDE Cgarden perfected Fiskars was founded in the small Finnish village of the same name when Queen Christina of Sweden granted Peter Thorw? ste the privilege to manufacture cast iron and forged products Today one of the Western

cutting GUIDE Cgarden perfected Fiskars was founded in the small Finnish village of the same name when Queen Christina of Sweden granted Peter Thorw? ste the privilege to manufacture cast iron and forged products Today one of the Western world ? s oldest companies Fiskars has grown into a multinational Corporation with products sold in more than countries spanning four continents Fiskars intends to re-invent the overall gardening experience by using advanced engineering and materials to produce tools that act like an extension of the body boost power output enhance control and reduce strain This ingenious simplicity has given birth to a range that comprises pruning shears loppers universal cutters grass and hedge shears shovels rakes reel mowers axes cultivating and snow tools CNot all plants require cutting so only grab the cutters when there is a reason to cut Trim shrubs when they are too bushy or when the production of owers or berries has decreased considerably Cut o ? dry dead or rough branches Remember that cutting does not revive an ailing plant A shoot that is gangly or too long can indicate an unsuitable habitat too shady or sunny too dry or wet The soil may not have the right nutrients or the lawn and other surrounding plants are using up all the nutrients A shrub that has been planted too deeply will not start growing better after cutting Anvil or bypass The rule of thumb is that bypass cutters are especially suited for cutting fresh wood as the blade reaches the base of the branch The anvil model reduces the ?nal blow of the cutting motion so it ? s ideal for cutting dry and hard wood Pruning trees Many gardeners can be afraid of pruning trees It is true that we have all been honing this skill for many years quite often by trial and error but there area several pieces of advice and principles that can help us right from the start Before we start pruning it is good to think everything through and to decide which plants when and how we should prune Also stop and think about what you would want your garden to look like what plants you have in it and what do you expect of your garden Just like in school it may not pay o ? just to slavishly copy what your neighbour does Ccut at the right time We can remove the dry or dead parts of trees or shrubs at any time of the year However the removal of diseased or otherwise damaged branches needs to be left for the time which is most suitable for the plant This time is usually the dormancy period of the plant We can start pruning coniferous trees and coniferous hedges as early as February However we should avoid pruning trees if temperatures below C are forecasted because a pruned tree or shrub can be damaged by cold and frost We should start pruning deciduous trees shrubs and climbing plants

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