Event publicity guide STRATEGIC INNOVATIONS ? GUIDE TO Successful Event PUBLICITY Publicity Quick Hit List I Plan Ahead I Workout Publicity Timetables I Identify Key Media I Develop a Media List I Prepare Press Materials I Send Out Press Releases I Promot

STRATEGIC INNOVATIONS ? GUIDE TO Successful Event PUBLICITY Publicity Quick Hit List I Plan Ahead I Workout Publicity Timetables I Identify Key Media I Develop a Media List I Prepare Press Materials I Send Out Press Releases I Promote Event on the Web I Prepare an Onsite Press Center I Have a Great Show E vents come and go however the ones people consider memorable were those that were well planned and promoted To make an event memorable it must prove to be worthwhile And in order to achieve anything worthwhile you need a clear vision of where you ? re headed Vision for building sustainable excitement about your event is accomplished only by a well- conceived publicity plan If publicity is to be e ?ective it must be a continuous process ?? an ongoing program aimed at getting your event before the industry and keeping it there Strategically planning a publicity campaign will magnify visibility and create intense interest for your event By thinking ahead you can use public relations to help fashion a strong image building interest in your show as ??the ? event for the industry Plan Ahead The golden rule is to ? ??Plan Ahead ? By carefully planning out a timeline for marketing your event through your industry you can avoid those last minute decisions so often made that result in lackluster attendance and participation at your event Proper timing of your event publicity gets your message out at the right time to build momentum and excitement leading up to and right through the show The Publicity Timetable To help prepare your media release timetable you can gather press releases from prior years and put the headlines of the releases into categories This will then allow you to create a schedule for timely releases of media information If the event is brand new you will have to create a timeline around the acquiring of new participants exhibitors and or sponsors Your planned schedule of newsworthy releases will build credibility for news value with the media who will then start to recognize your materials and look forward to seeing what you have to o ?er Start your publicity campaign with press releases announcing the show dates and other general information Early on you can concentrate your media releases on noted speakers In the middle of your campaign focus on conference programming and on industry or association meetings and special events that will be held in conjunction with your event Closer to the event zero in on your exhibitors or sponsors and their new products and services All of your news releases should be targeted to the specialized reader interests and editorial range of each publication I CThe Publicity Planner Objectives Messages Audiences The Publicity Planner Publicity deserves a plan ?? a diagram of where you ? re going and a schedule showing when you will arrive The publicity plan is a de ?ned communications strategy for promoting your event It lets you plot reachable event marketing

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