ar pdf Document generated on p m Les Cahiers de droit Sade utopiste - Sexualité pouvoir et Etat dans le roman Aline et Valcour ? par Pierre FAVRE Textes et recherches de la faculté de Droit et des Sciences économiques de Paris Série Science politique ? no

Document generated on p m Les Cahiers de droit Sade utopiste - Sexualité pouvoir et Etat dans le roman Aline et Valcour ? par Pierre FAVRE Textes et recherches de la faculté de Droit et des Sciences économiques de Paris Série Science politique ? no Presses Universitaires de France pp VIII Jean-K Samson Volume Number URI https id erudit org iderudit ar DOI https doi org ar See table of contents Publisher s Faculté de droit de l ? Université Laval ISSN - X print - digital Explore this journal Cite this review Samson J -K Review of Sade utopiste - Sexualité pouvoir et Etat dans le roman Aline et Valcour ? par Pierre FAVRE Textes et recherches de la faculté de Droit et des Sciences économiques de Paris Série Science politique ? no Presses Universitaires de France pp VIII Les Cahiers de droit ?? https doi org ar Tous droits réservés ? Université Laval This document is protected by copyright law Use of the services of Érudit including reproduction is subject to its terms and conditions which can be viewed online https apropos erudit org en users policy-on-use This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit Érudit is a non-pro ?t inter- university consortium of the Université de Montréal Université Laval and the Université du Québec à Montréal Its mission is to promote and disseminate research https www erudit org en C Les Cahiers de Droit C deD Surely this is the lesson taught us by the chaos of the Europe which formed a backdrop for Re ections Surely as Prof Barker states It is vain to think of the expansion of a generous national life except in the shelter and under the protection of an organized system of international peace Prof Barker has written a stimulating if challenging book It might be argued that the approach is at times too theoretical Yet this book must be read in the light of the time of its writing and as it was intended ?? a kind of rambling dissertation on the government of men It is not unpro ?table to occasionally make an abstraction of this very pragmatic sphere of human activity and ponder awhile basic principles entailed As a result we bring back to our dayto-day legalistic and technical hassling a certain perspective which can only be bene ?cial The message is perspective and perspective is always a valuable message Since the days of Periclean Athens democratic man has walked a tightrope over the chasm of totalitarianism on one side chaos on the other and if he is not to stumble he must bear always in mind the principles which maintain his balance Such is the contribution of Prof Barker's work Peter W HUTCHINS Sade utopiste - Sexualité pouvoir et Etat dans le roman Aline et Valcour ? par Pierre FAVRE Textes et recherches de la faculté de Droit et des Sciences économiques de Paris Série Science politique ? n Presses Universitaires de France pp VIII Parler de Sade

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