survival guide THE ENGINEERING SURVIVAL GUIDE th edition ? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EPSILON CHI FRATERNITY UP COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The battle to get here has been long and di ?cult Yet you have prevailed over the many who seek the grail You have proven yours
THE ENGINEERING SURVIVAL GUIDE th edition ? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EPSILON CHI FRATERNITY UP COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The battle to get here has been long and di ?cult Yet you have prevailed over the many who seek the grail You have proven yourself better than the ordinary and above the average FRESHMEN CONGRATULATIONS WELCOME TO HELL THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING we have the honor and the privilege to be the ones who have gone before you From where we stand we humbly share you the things we have learned in our own journeys ?? things to guide you in your young years and serve as a beacon of light for your own paths Keep in mind that while your studies must always remain your top priority there remains much that awaits you outside the classroom Living in both realms is quite di ?cult and elusive but once you ?nd the fulcrum between academics and extra-curricular activities learning and living in the university would never be more ful ?lling We therefore present to you the th edition of our Survival Guide the ?rst of its kind in UP Since up until this coming st anniversary of the fraternity the SG has continued to be of great service to the engineering studentry We designed this Survival Guide not just as a text to be read in one sitting We designed this to be a useful companion and reference up until your last years in the university In this golden age of information technology and the internet has proven to be a blessing for the university student However not everyone is capable of being online all the time In addition the information you need might be hard to ?nd in the clutter of the web The SG therefore stands to live a purpose Inside this you will ?nd necessary information you would need with regards to surviving in the university and the college ?? curriculums dormitories housing options loans RGEP courses and many more Similarly we included information that are valuable yet hard to ?nd This set of knowledge can only be obtained from the veterans of hard-fought battles in the college not only in the academic but also in the ?nancial social and other battle ?elds We present to you our knowledge on academic tactics tipid tactics food and hangout and more ?? knowledge that we hope you would ?nd useful and e ?ective in keeping your pace throughout your stay We hope that this Survival Guide will help you in your journey in the university We o ?er you this guide not only as a repository of vital information but also as an expression of our unwavering commitment and service to the college and university Epsilon Chi ENGINEERING SURVIVAL GUIDE The Survival Guide was ?rst published in and is now on its th printing The Engineering Survival Guide is an annual publication of the UP Epsilon Chi Fraternity ? All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or
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- Publié le Mar 02, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 296.9kB