Bibliography 2023 03 28T093226 421

BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary resources Argelander Annelies Das Farbenh? ren und der syn? sthetische Faktor der Wahrnehmung Jena Germany Fischer Baron-Cohen Simon and John E Harrison eds Synaesthesia Classic and Contemporary Readings Oxford Blackwell Publishers Ltd Baron-Cohen Simon J Harrison L Goldstein and M Wyke ??Coloured Speech Perception Is Synesthesia What Happens When Modularity Breaks Down ? Perception ?? Baudelaire Charles Oeuvres complètes Ed Marcel A Ru ? Paris Éditions du Seuil Selected Poems Ed Geo ?rey Wagner New York Grove Press Inc Bernard Jonathan W ??Messiaen ? s Synaethesia The Correspondence between Color and Sound Structure in His Music ? Music Perception Fall ?? ??Color ? The Messiaen Companion Ed Peter Hill Portland Amadeus Press ?? Blanc-Gatti Charles Sons et couleurs Paris Editions d ? art chromophonique Boivin Jean La Classe de Messiaen Paris Christian Bourgois Burns Je ?rey Messiaen ? s Modes of Limited Transposition Reconsidered MA thesis University of Wisconsin-Madison Carpenter Siri ??Everyday Fantasia The World of Synesthesia ? Monitor on Psychology March Chailley Jacques Eléments de philologie musicale Paris Alphonse Leduc Chevalier Denys ??Les sources d ? inspiration de Walt Disney ? Arts Beaux-Arts Litterature Spectacles November Christensen Thomas Rameau and Musical Thought in the Enlightenment Cambridge Cambridge University Press Cohn Richard ??A Tetrahedral Graph of Tetrachordal Voice-Leading Space ? Music Theory Online October Conrad Bridget F The Sources of Jolivet's Musical Language and his Relationships with Varèse and Messiaen Ph D dissertation City University of New York Cosandy Roland ?? La Suisse romande entre les deux guerres Lausanne Payot C Cytowic Richard E The Man Who Tasted Shapes A Bizarre Medical Mystery O ?ers Revolutionary Insights into Reasoning Emotion and Consciousness New York Putnam Synesthesia A Union of the Senses Second edition Cambridge MIT Press ??Synesthesia Phenomenology and Neuropsychology ??A Review of Current Knowledge ? Synesthesia Classic and Contemporary Readings Ed Simon Baron-Cohen and John E Harrison Oxford Blackwell ?? Dann Kevin Bright Colors Falsely Seen Synaesthesia and the Search for Transcendental Knowledge New Haven Yale University Press Ernst Karin Der Beitrag Olivier Messiaens zur Orgelmusik des Jahrhunderts Freiburg HochschulVerlag Feynman Richard P What do You Care What Other People Think New York W W Norton Company Flournoy Théodore Les phènomènes de synopsie audition colorée Paris Alcan Gage John ??Synaesthesia ? Encyclopedia of Aesthetics vols Ed M Kelly Oxford Oxford University Press IV ?? Goléa Antione Rencontres avec Oliver Messiaen Paris René Julliard Graduale Triplex Paris-Tournai Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes Desclée Holy Bible King James Version Jolivet André ??Réponse à une enquête André Jolivet ou la magie expérimentale ? Contrepoints January ?? Kandinsky Wassily On the Spiritual in Art New York Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation Originally published as Über das Geistige in der Kunst Munich Piper and Company Koechlin Charles Traité de l ? harmonie vols Paris Max Eschig et Cie Klüver Hienrich Mescal and Mechanisms of Hallucination Chicago University of Chicago Press ??Mescal Visions and Eiditic Vision ? American Journal of Psychology ?? Laliberté Robert ??Messiaen musicien de l ? arc-en ? ciel ? La Vie

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