Bibliography 2023 03 28T105341 704
COURSE BIBLIOGRAPHY assigned texts and suggested further reading Baer Ulrich Spectral Evidence the Photography of Trauma Cambridge MA MIT Barthes Roland Camera Lucida Re ections on Photography Hill and Wang reprint Benjamin Walter and Hannah Arendt Illuminations New York Schocken Bergson Henri Matter and Memory Paul Nancy Margaret and Palmer W Scott translators CreateSpace Botz Corrine May The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death The Monacelli Press Boym Svetlana The Future of Nostalgia Basic Books Caruth Cathy Unclaimed Experience Trauma Narrative and History Johns Hopkins University Press Citron Michelle Home Movies and Other Necessary Fictions Minneapolis University of Minnesota Felman Shoshana and Laub Dori Testimony Crises of Witnessing in Literature Psychoanalysis and History Routledge Freud Sigmund ??Screen Memories ? and ??Remembering Repeating and Working Through ? in The Penguin Freud Reader London Penguin Friedl? nder Saul Probing the Limits of Representation Nazism and the Final Solution Cambridge MA Harvard UP Gevers Ine ??Images that Demand Consummation Postdocumentary photography art and ethics ? in Re ect Guerin Frances and Roger Hallas The Image and the Witness Trauma Memory and Visual Culture New York Wall ower Halbwachs Maurice On Collective Memory University of Chicago Press Hebard Andrew ??Disruptive Histories Toward a Radical Politics of Remembrance in Alain Resnais ? Night and Fog ? New German Critique No Spring - Summer pp - Spring-Summer Huyseen Andreas Present Pasts Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory Stanford University Press Juhasz Alexandra and Jesse Lerner F Is for Phony Fake Documentary and Truth's Undoing Minneapolis Univ of Minnesota CKuhn Annette and Kirsten Emiko McAllister Locating Memory Photographic Acts New York Berghahn Lambert-Beatty Carrie ??Make-Believe Para ?ction and Plausibility ? October Summer Liss Andrea Trespassing Through Shadows Memory Photography And The Holocaust Andrea Liss University Of Minnesota Press Marks Laura U Laura U Marks The Skin of the Film Intercultural Film Embodiment and the Senses Duke University Press Nora Pierre Realms of Memory Columbia University Press Ricoeur Paul Memory History and Forgetting University of Chicago Press Skoller Je ?rey Shadows Specters Shards Making History in Avant-garde Film Minneapolis MN University of Minnesota Sobchack Vivian ed The Persistence of History Cinema Television and the Modern Event New York Routledge Sontag Susan Regarding the Pain of Others New York Farrar Straus and Giroux Stewart Susan On Longing Narratives of the Miniature the Gigantic the Souvenir the Collection Johns Hopkins University Press Sturken Marita Tangled Memories the Vietnam War the AIDS Epidemic and the Politics of Remembering Berkeley University of California Sturken Marita Tourists of History Memory Kitsch and Consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero White Hayden V The Content of the Form Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation Baltimore Johns Hopkins UP C
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- Publié le Jan 17, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 26.8kB