Measurement study guide measuring time 1 fill in the correct unit of time for these sentences 1

Name Measurement Study Guide Measuring Time Fill in the correct unit of time for these sentences There are in a week There are in an hour There are in a minute There are in a day There are in a month There are in a year Write down the time that the clocks read below CName Draw the hands on the clock to show the time listed remember to make the hands di ?erent sizes to easily tell which is the hour and minute hand Measurement Using a Ruler Mark on the ruler the measurements listed below a Put a dot at cm Cb Put a dot at in Name c Put a dot at cm Fill in the blanks Length The measurement from side to Width The measurement from front to Height The measurement from top to Fill in this cube with Length Width and Height CName Perimeter and Area Write a ?? P ? for Perimeter or an ?? A ? for Area beside the description that matches Is the measurement of the o utside o f the shape Is the measurement of the inside o f the shape Uses a ddition to calculate the answer Uses multiplication to calculate the answer Calculate the Perimeter of these shapes Perimeter Perimeter C Calculate the Area of these shapes Area Name Area Mass Grams and Kilograms Fill in the blank There are Grams in a Kilogram Circle which unit of mass is the better estimate Mittens C Grams Refrigerator Kilograms Name grams A Robin Kilograms grams Kilograms Bob ? s teacher asks him to ?gure out how much his desk weighs He decides to use the unit ??grams ? to calculate the mass of his desk Would you agree with Bob Why or why not C

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  • Publié le Dec 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 37.1kB