The hitchhiker x27 s guide to galaxy review

Review The Hitchhiker ? s Guide to the Galaxy When I was studying in college the smart guys in my class used to read a particular kind of books Some of these books were ? The Lord of the Rings ? by JRR Tolkien before it became a movie and was read by everyone else novels by P G Wodehouse ? One Hundred Years of Solitude ? by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ? A Space Odyssey ? by Arthur C Clarke ? One Two Three ? In ?nity ? by George Gamov ? The Fountainhead ? by Ayn Rand and ? Zen and the Art of Motocycle Maintenance ? by Robert M Pirsig In case you are curious I have read the ?rst part of the ?rst book of ? The Lord of the Rings ? a few novels by P G Wodehouse ? One Two Three ? In ?nity ? and ? A Space Odyssey ? in later years many years after I ?nished college I haven ? t read the others yet One of these books was Douglas Adams ? ? The Hitchhiker ? s Guide to the Galaxy ? It looked to me like a book which combined science ?ction and humour and I wondered how that combination might work But I never got around to reading it Later after I went to work I saw all the books in the Hitchhiker ? s series in one omnibus volume I read the blurb and the premise of the series was quite interesting and so I thought I will get it I carried it with me as I moved cities and countries but never read it Finally all the stars got aligned last week The book club that I am part of decided to read this book this month and so I took it down from my shelf and read it I ?nished reading it yesterday Here is what I think What I think Arthur Dent a mild-mannered guy who works at the local radio station gets up one day morning and discovers that there are bulldozers at his front door When he talks to the person who seems to have brought them he discovers that his home is going to be razed down to make way for a bypass He lies down in front of one of the bulldozers and prevents those newcomers from doing their jobs Dent ? s friend Ford Prefect suddenly appears on the scene Ford though he says that he is an out-of-work actor is actually an extra-terrestrial who has come to Earth to study about the planet and about the beings there Ford suddenly discovers that day that the Earth is going to be demolished that day by the o ?cials of the Galaxy to make way for a hyperspace bypass It is ironical that while the local bureaucracy is trying to raze down Arthur ? s home without worrying about how it will a ?ect his life the Galactic bureaucracy is planning

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