Monitoring guide 2 measuring impact on-the-go a users ? guide for monitoring tech and accountability programming CMEASURING IMPACT ON THE GO A USERS ? GUIDE FOR MONITORING TECH AND ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAMMING Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License

measuring impact on-the-go a users ? guide for monitoring tech and accountability programming CMEASURING IMPACT ON THE GO A USERS ? GUIDE FOR MONITORING TECH AND ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAMMING Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License Content and design by the engine room https theengineroom org This Users ? Guide is the product of a collaboration between WeGov and the engine room ISBN Pending First published May CTable of Contents Introduction Overview steps for designing a framework Overview rules of thumb using this guide What ? s it for What do we mean by ??tech ? Read what you need why bother Costs and Bene ?ts Setting aside time resources Why tech why now designing a framework step by step Mapping resources Developing the Framework Rolling it out Resources Acknowledgements Glossary C CIntroduction This is a practical guide for busy organizations with limited resources and competing priorities It is neither comprehensive nor universally applicable but aims to give concrete and actionable guidance to help projects understand how monitoring can improve outcomes and avoid waste and to set their own agendas for measurement The information provided in this guide becomes more detailed the further you read and it ? s not necessary to use every section If monitoring is already a priority for your project and you know that real-time monitoring is the most appropriate approach you can skip directly to the appropriate steps in the middle section If measurement is an issue that your project is just beginning to explore you might want to read the introductory pages that explain the costs and bene ?ts of monitoring on-the-go If you are looking for resources for speci ?c strategies or methodologies you might want to scroll directly to the resources section Here ? s a basic overview of how the guide is laid out The next four pages contain overviews of concrete steps and rules of thumb for developing a monitoring framework Immediately after this the ?rst two sections describe how the guide works and provide an overview of the measurement problem why it ? s hard and what ? s unique about monitoring tech and accountability initiatives This introduction is intended to help projects and project managers decide whether real-time monitoring will give them the information they need and what the costs will be The following section is the core of the guide and provides practical guidance for developing a monitoring framework in steps These steps are grouped into four phases deciding to measure mapping resources developing a framework and implementation and are designed to be applied consecutively but can also be approached on an a la carte basis Speci ?c requirements and strategies are presented at the beginning of each of the four phases The guide closes with a collection of resources for further exploration providing deep context and an explanation of methodologies tools and strategies COverview steps for designing a framework Here are the basic steps to take in designing a framework for monitoring on the go Some might not be

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  • Publié le Jui 04, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 268.3kB