Ene310 study guide 2017 School of Engineering Department of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering Analogue Electronics ENE Lecturers Dr Trudi H Joubert Mr Johan Schoeman Last Revision - - ? Copyright reserved CTABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANISATIONAL COM
School of Engineering Department of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering Analogue Electronics ENE Lecturers Dr Trudi H Joubert Mr Johan Schoeman Last Revision - - ? Copyright reserved CTABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANISATIONAL COMPONENT GENERAL PREMISE AND EDUCATIONAL APPROACH ARTICULATION WITH ECSA OUTCOMES LECTURERS VENUES AND CONSULTING HOURS STUDY MATERIALS AND PURCHASES LEARNING ACTIVITIES RULES OF ASSESSMENT GENERAL STUDY COMPONENT MODULE OBJECTIVES AND LEARNING OUTCOMES MODULE STRUCTURE GUIDELINES FOR USING THE STUDY THEME DESCRIPTIONS STUDY THEME DESCRIPTIONS PRACTICALS CORGANISATIONAL COMPONENT This guide serves as Part of the study guide for this module and provides content that is speci ?c to the learning content of the module Part of the study guide is available from the EECE Undergraduate ClickUP page and provides rules and policies that are generally applicable to all undergraduate modules presented by the Department of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering GENERAL PREMISE AND EDUCATIONAL APPROACH The electronics industry has experienced signi ?cant growth since the development of the ?rst solidstate semiconductor devices and is one of the most important technologies that can improve the general standard of living To further sustain this technological growth it is necessary for engineers in the ?eld to have a sound academic and practical knowledge of semiconductor devices and electronic circuits This will ensure that meaningful decisions are made by designers of electronic systems concerning the available circuits and components their performance and limitations ARTICULATION WITH ECSA OUTCOMES The programs presented by the Department of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering have been designed to meet the eleven ECSA outcomes that qualify the competencies required by professional engineers While most modules contain at least a small component of a number of ECSA outcomes only the main outcomes that are addressed in a module are indicated for the speci ?c module This module is presented at exit level for ELOs and developmental level for ELO Refer to the General EECE Study Guide Part for a complete overview of the association of ECSA outcomes with the modules in each degree program LECTURERS VENUES AND CONSULTING HOURS Name Room number Lecturers Lab Instructor Dr T-H Joubert Mr J Schoeman Mrs Madhuri Nadupalli CEFIM - CEFIM - Engineering - Assistant lecturers Administrator Mr E Hunter Mr I Ghoor Mrs T Nel Refer to module website CEFIM - Tutors Refer to module website Refer to module website Contact Please preface the subject line of all email correspondence with ENE trudi joubert up ac za johan schoeman eng up ac za Madhuri Nadupalli up ac za u tuks co za u tuks co za tilla nel up ac za Refer to module website C Location of the Laboratories Engineering building Laboratory A B Consulting hours Kindly refer to the module website for speci ?c arrangements with regard to consultation hours Hours for consultation of lecturers tutors and teaching assistants will be announced at the beginning of the semester and will also be given on the announcement page of the module web page Students may consult lecturers tutors and teaching assistants only
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- Publié le Jul 03, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 90.8kB