Nestle zaka Bach Bibliography http www music qub ac uk tomita bachbib Yo Tomita School of Music Sonic Arts Research Centre Queen's University Belfast UK CWhat is ? ach i li raphy ? Online resource for scholars studying the life and works of J S Bach - O ?
Bach Bibliography http www music qub ac uk tomita bachbib Yo Tomita School of Music Sonic Arts Research Centre Queen's University Belfast UK CWhat is ? ach i li raphy ? Online resource for scholars studying the life and works of J S Bach - O ?ering a range of useful features Closely- integrated cross references Highly-structured search options Inclusion of unpublished papers thesis online review of hot-from-the-press books CWhat is ? ach i li raphy ? Released online in May Currently accessed c times per day Receives contributions from c scholars world wide CFocus of this presentation Background Search Strategies Under the Bonnet Future Plans CBack round J S Bach is one of the most wellresearched composers Flood of new publications every year R e search becoming increasingly sp ecialized and fragmented Biographical Studies Historical Studies Manuscript Studies Compositional Process Rhetorical Approach Music Analysis Symbolism Theological Studies Mathematical Approach Historical Performance Interpretation etc D i ?cult to follow the latest research CHistory of Bibliographical St ies Table The coverage of Bach-Schriftt ms p blishe i the Bach-Jahrbuch Coverage Items c BJ see notes Compiler Max Schneider Max Schneider Christoph Wol ? Wolfgang Schmieder Wolfgang Schmieder Erhard Franke Rosemarie Nestle Rosemarie Nestle Rosemarie Nestle Rosemarie Nestle Rosemarie Nestle Rosemarie Nestle Karin Germerdonk Notes mostly German literatures no pp given some with page numbers in Bach-Bibliographie more systematically described projection based on data shown in Figure Bl e -- also repr in Bach-Bibliographie ed Christoph Wol ? Kassel CData collectio Main body of data come from the BachJahrbuch Support receiving from Many individuals The American Bach Society The Riemenschneider Bach Institute Ohio The Bach-Archiv Leipzig Lots of my time being invested into the collection of additional information CSize Currently it contains records Table Comparing the scope of bibliographical data for Bach Studies Bibliographical Refere ce The on-line Bach Bibliography Bach-Schrifttums in Bach-Jahrbuch RILM online IIMP CD-ROM reviewed in ArticleFirst items coverage otes plus c of pre- ref see Table for details keyword search Bach keyword search Bach keyword search Bach CSearch Strategies DEMONSTRATION CUnder the Bonnet Database format - ViewStore on BBC Micro - dBase IV on IBM compatible PC - Idealist on Windows PC - comma delimited text ?le on the Webserver Relational Database Main Bibliography database Periodical database also managing abbreviations and the progress of research CUnder the Bonnet Table Selection criteria of references for the Bach Bibliography Selected references Excluded references Published books of scholarly contents and reviews Published articles of scholarly contents including reviews and correspondence Published facsimiles Unpublished dissertations Master and Doctor from universities Unpublished papers read at recognised conference or meeting Printed editions of music and scores except those of a highly scholarly nature Recording and its reviews except accompanying books or booklets of a highly scholarly nature Books for children Fiction On-line essays posted on the internet CUnder the Bonnet Table Additional ?elds made available in each record Field Notes Genre Music general classi ?cation of genre i e vocal eyboard instrumental etc specifying
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