Example semi structured observation guide

Example - Semi-structured observation guide Course Module no and title Student Cohort Cohort identi ?er academic year Evaluator Background Summarise your rationale for choosing this method how it is planned to inform the evaluation and its role in supporting other methods What are the constraints and opportunities in uencing your access to the learning and teaching context for observations e g timing of the observation type of participants involved type of activities that can be observed etc Purpose Summarise the evaluation questions you hope to explore with the observation The Observations This guide includes a number of examples of observational data that may be relevant to obtain at di ?erent stages of introducing a change in learning and teaching in order to compare it with participant feedback using other methods More detailed checklists might need to be constructed for speci ?c observation opportunities e g for a particular lecture document etc depending on the depth of evaluation For a learning activity e g lecture seminar discussion independent project o What information is given to students about - how when with whom to do the activity etc - the educational aims objectives and expected learning outcomes of the activity - how the activity is expected to help their learning for the course which it forms a part - how and from whom they can get help if they need it - what learning resources they can use to help them do the activity and where how they can get access to them - how the activity ?ts into any assessment for the course and if it is assessed the marking criteria - the relevance of the learning beyond meeting the assessment requirements e g in future life practice etc o How is the activity implemented e g - who is taking part - number of participants - nature of the activity and teaching approach - timing and location of the activity - how the activity is organised - how time is used during the activity - roles and responsibilities of participants - decisions being made by whom and for whom - resources made available to students e g special equipment learning resources software virtual learning environments etc - help available to students o How are the participants behaving e g - How are they undertaking the activity - How are students using help and resources - How are students interacting with the learning environment - What is the extent and nature of online activity in virtual learning environments - Do students appear more motivated engaged or better prepared o How are the participants interacting e g C- Is there dialogue - Is the dialogue constructive for learning - Who is talking listening - What is their body language non-verbal information - Is there evidence in the dialogue that students are learning - How are students learning from the dialogue e g sta ?-student peer-peer discussion group inquiry ? etc - Is there evidence in the dialogue that academic sta ? support

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