Gena finn discussion guide

DISCUSSION GUIDE gena ?nn by hannah moskowitz kat helgeson Gena Finn - - - - HC - - - - E-book Ages and Up F P Text Level Gradient Z Lexile Measure L ABOUT THE BOOK Gena and Finn would have never met but for their mutual love for the hit TV show Up Below Regardless of their di ?erences ??Gena is a recent high school graduate whose social interactions largely take place online while Finn is in her early twenties encountering the di ?culties of job hunting in a poor economy and contemplating marriage with her longtime boyfriend ??the two girls realize that the bond between them is more than fan ?ction But when disaster strikes and Gena ? s world turns upside down only Finn can save her and that too comes with a price Told through e-mails text messages journal entries and blog posts Gena Finn is a story of friendship and love through social media in the digital age ABOUT THIS GUIDE This guide contains discussion questions designed to spark conversation about themes and ideas raised by this novel CDISCUSSION GUIDE An epistolary novel tells a story using a series of documents traditionally letters and diary entries Gena Finn is a modern epistolary novel that uses text messages email fan ?c poetry sticky notes letters blogs and private messages to advance the plot Which of these formats did you think were most e ?ective in conveying the character relationships and the plot Has technology changed the way people communicate with each other If yes in what ways does Gena Finn illustrate these changes Have you read any fan ?ction What do you think is the attraction of this type of online virtual community Do you belong to any online communities that evolved around a shared interest topic or hobby How might reading and writing fan ?ction about a TV show or book series create a unique type of bond Names and identities are extremely important in this novel Are names and identities the same things What did the two handles EvenIf and ?nnblueline tell you immediately about these characters Does choosing your name or nickname give you a certain kind of power If you were to choose your own name what would it be and what would it say about your self-identity Throughout the course of the novel Genevieve goes by many names including Eve Gena EvenIf Evie and Bug Some are names she has chosen for herself and some are given to her by others How do these names convey di ?erent aspects of her personality Do the names given to her by others o ?er any insight into how those people see her Gena tells Finn ??i have no need for anyone to know every part of me pieces for everyone where they ?t works out easiest for me ? Later she says ??i ? ve got my life drawn and quartered ? How do these statements speak to her desire to have many

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