Gm360 user guide As Dedicated As You Are Professional Radio GM Mobile Radios contact T W O - WAY R A D I O S control Basic User Guide CGM Professional Mobile Radio CBASIC USER GUIDE BASIC USER GUIDE Contents General Information Operation and Control Funct

As Dedicated As You Are Professional Radio GM Mobile Radios contact T W O - WAY R A D I O S control Basic User Guide CGM Professional Mobile Radio CBASIC USER GUIDE BASIC USER GUIDE Contents General Information Operation and Control Functions Radio Controls Microphone Controls Audio Signal Tones Programmable Buttons Menu Keys Menu Navigation Chart LCD Display and Icons Getting Started Turning the Radio On or O ? Adjusting the Volume Radio On Message Selecting a Radio Channel Sending a Call Receiving a Call Cancelling a Call Ending a Call Copyright Information The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other mediums Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program Accordingly any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola Furthermore the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication estoppel or otherwise any licence under the copyrights patents or patent applications of Motorola except for the normal non-exclusive royalty-free licence to use that arises by operation of the law in the sale of a product English CBASIC USER GUIDE GENERAL INFORMATION This user guide covers the basic operation of the GM Professional Mobile Radio Please consult your dealer for further more detailed information which is contained in a full feature user guide P B Before using this product read the operating instructions for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet D C a u t i o n enclosed with your radio ATTENTION This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy ICNIRP RF energy exposure requirements Before using this product read the RF energy awareness information and operating instructions in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet Motorola Publication part number D to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits English CBASIC USER GUIDE OPERATION AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS Radio Controls The numbers below refer to the illustrations on the inside front cover On-O ? Volume Knob Used to turn the radio on or o ? and to adjust the radio ? s volume LED Indicators Indicate channel scan and monitor status as well as receipt of a selective call LCD Display Line Menu Exit Escape Button x Channel Selector Menu Navigation Up Down y or z When in menu mode used for menu navigation Used for channel scrolling Menu Enter Select Button c Mic Jack Programmable Button g Programmable Button h Edit Buttons Left Right v or w Programmable Button i Programmable Button j Microphone Controls Keypad Microphone Keypad Programmable Keys Push-to-talk PTT Press and hold down this button to talk release it to listen English CBASIC USER GUIDE Audio Signal Tones High pitched tone Low pitched tone

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