Lecturer guide Kampus Merdeka Application Guide for Faculty Supervisor Lecturer Bangkit registration is extended to January th What is Bangkit Bangkit is an education program aimed at university students who would like to learn the fundamentals of Machine

Kampus Merdeka Application Guide for Faculty Supervisor Lecturer Bangkit registration is extended to January th What is Bangkit Bangkit is an education program aimed at university students who would like to learn the fundamentals of Machine Learning Android Programming or Cloud Computing and further develop their technology career potential Bangkit is o ?ered as an approved Kampus Merdeka program in collaboration with universities throughout Indonesia The program is delivered online and is eligible subject to participant university ? s approval for up to university study credits SKS This program is only available for up to participants based on the selection process Why Bangkit Bangkit is a unique career readiness program led by Google and delivered with support from industry experts from Gojek Tokopedia Traveloka and Google The program is designed to provide participants with ?rst-hand exposure to real-world practitioners and will prepare participants with relevant skills for a successful career in leading tech companies Participants can choose from A ndroid C loud or Machine Learning paths and will also learn essential skills such as design thinking methodology leadership communication and presentation skills Upon successful completion of the program participants will be invited to a virtual career fair where they will have preferred access to job opportunities in leading companies in Indonesia and throughout the region At the conclusion of the semester ten ?nal project teams will be chosen for further development including grant incubation funding and support from participant ? s assigned to Bangkit Host University Important Dates Application deadline January January Cohort announcement January Program duration February - June Bangkit - Questions please ask bangkit dicoding com g co bangkit CWhat are the bene ?ts of joining the Bangkit Program Besides the knowledge participants for Bangkit program are given Essential hard soft skills for successful careers in leading technology companies Opportunity to apply learning to real-world national-scale projects Opportunity to learn from current industry experts and practitioners Preparation for and free vouchers for Google Certi ?cation Exams Associate Android Developer Associate Cloud Engineer Tensor ow certi ?cation Possibility of earning and applying up to University Study Credits SKS to participant ? s university degree program Bangkit as a Kampus Merdeka Program Bangkit is an o ?cial Kampus Merdeka initiated by Google and the Ministry of Education - Republic of Indonesia As an o ?cial Kampus Merdeka - Independent Study program the MoU has been signed by Google and the MoE - so the university doesn ? t need to get or sign MoU with Google Bangkit More information is available on the Kampus Merdeka website and formal letter from the Directorate of Higher Education Dirjen Dikti of the MoE About Bangkit Curricula Learning Objectives - Learning Outcomes and posters yers About Bangkit Letter from Ministry of Education - Directorate General of Higher Education Bangkit University Guide Curricula Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes Bangkit posters yers Frequently Asked Questions I am a lecturer and my students want to join the program what I need to do As a lecturer you

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