Llt user guide LLT User guide ICO -OPE- -V Security Tools team - - www ingenico com boulevard de Grenelle Paris - France T F Ingenico ?? S A au capital de RCS PARIS CContents Global presentation What is new Telium ?le tree structure Declination of LLT mod
LLT User guide ICO -OPE- -V Security Tools team - - www ingenico com boulevard de Grenelle Paris - France T F Ingenico ?? S A au capital de RCS PARIS CContents Global presentation What is new Telium ?le tree structure Declination of LLT modes Installation Con ?gure the user language Graphical interface presentation De ?nitions of terms The local browser The terminal browser Terminal activities Error message Favorite paths Plugged terminals view Transfer tasks view Terminal observatory Installed components list File viewer Actions history view How to start a connection with the terminal Perform the disconnection Command line mode Command-line usage Catalogue ?les format LLT - - C Global presentation The Local Loading Tool LLT is a software application that allows exchanging information and ?les between a PC and an Ingenico electronic payment terminal The LLT application provides the user with an access to the terminal content and details This tool allows to browse the terminal content consult its characteristics and retrieve the terminal life counters The LLT can only run on Windows platforms The following versions are compliant with LLT v others versions are not o ?cially supported bits bits Windows XP Windows Vista Windows Seven Windows Windows Windows For this LLT version only one terminal connection is possible at a time What is new The version of LLT was the ?rst version which supports Telium Telium and Telium Tetra It constitutes a total renew of the previous application including A fully integration into IngeDev in the form of a plugin O ?ering an ergonomic standalone tool An enhanced command-line mode allowing easy integration with other software tools requiring capabilities of download upload A new communication stack without any con ?guration required that highly improves the user- experience with a ??ready to connect ? solution The Telium USB Jungo driver is bundled with LLT installation and is required for communication operation Telium ?le tree structure The Telium Tetra ?le tree structure is di ?erent from Telium and When the LLT browses the terminal content it works with a sand-box ?le system LLT - - C Telium and Telium ?le tree Directory HOST SWAP Description The parameters ?les must be downloaded into this directory This directory is called ??import ? in Telium Tetra terminals The signed applications and components ?les must be downloaded into this directory This directory is called ??package ? in Telium Tetra terminals All ?les downloaded in the ?? SWAP ? directory will be checked after changing the activity or after disconnecting the LLT connection A ??Bad signature ? error could appear if the component is not properly signed Telium Tetra ?le tree Directory con ?g export import log package Description Contains the con ?guration ?les of the terminal This directory receives the non-sensible ?les from applications in the terminal These ?les aim to be locally uploaded for further analysis The parameters ?les must be downloaded into this directory This directory is called ??HOST ? in Telium and Telium terminals Contains system and applications logs ?les
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jui 19, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 98.1kB