Magazines revision guide Magazines Revision Guide Pride Magazine Context In the s and s women ? s magazines moved away from articles on homemaking and moved towards articles on beauty Fashion also moved up the agenda with less about how to make it and mor

Magazines Revision Guide Pride Magazine Context In the s and s women ? s magazines moved away from articles on homemaking and moved towards articles on beauty Fashion also moved up the agenda with less about how to make it and more about how to wear it So with consumption at the top of the agenda readers were being reminded that they should look and feel the best they could and the best way to achieve this was by purchasing the latest cosmetics and hair care advertised within the magazine ? s pages This is still very much the case today and is evident in this magazine Target Audience Women - BC Black British Why do people read women ? s magazines The function of magazines is ??to provide readers with a sense of community comfort and pride in this mythic feminine identity ? ? Media Semiotics ? Bignell p Magazines promote a ??feminine culture ? and therefore ??de ?ne and shape the woman ? s world ? ? Feminisim and Youth Culture ? McRobbie p so they become a familiar friend for the female ?lled with advice entertainment and provide a form of escapism for the reader Uses and Grati ?cations This positive and empowered representation of black women is constructed to appeal to the target demographic of readers from this group According to Rubicam and Young these women may be Aspirers who gain Personal Identity from the magazine as it reinforces their views of themselves as black women in society Media Language The various forms of media language used to create and communicate meanings in media products for example Visual codes Camera shots angles editing Audio codes non diegetic music e ?ects dialogue Language codes written or spoken words How choice selection combination and exclusion of elements of media language in uences meaning in media products for example How the selection and combination of camera shots creates narrative in the set television episodes or music videos How the written text anchors meanings in the images on the set newspaper front pages to portray aspects of reality What has been excluded from the set print advertisements ?? and how the point of view might be di ?erent if alternative elements had been included How the combination of design elements images and cover lines conveys messages and values on the set magazine front covers The strapline tells us that the magazine is ??celebrating years at the top ? At the top of what we ? re not entirely sure but the phrasing encourages the reader to feel a part of something great The CThe Title of the magazine Pride has connotations of self-respect self- esteem dignity and strength There is a subtext of resistance and an a ?rmation of cultural identity Some of the masthead is lost behind the cover star ? s head suggesting her dominance and showing how con ?dent the magazine is that their readers will still recognise their brand despite not being able to see all

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