Portfolioassessment 140630120859 phpapp02
PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT Carlo Magno PhD Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Research CMETHOD Assessment should measure what is really important in the curriculum Assessment should look more like instructional activities than like tests Educational assessment should approximate the learning tasks of interest so that when students practice for the assessment some useful learning takes place CPORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT EXPLORATION Have you ever done a portfolio Tell me about this experience Did you enjoy it What elements did you include in your portfolio Are the materials placed in the portfolio required CWHAT ARE PORTFOLIOS Purposeful systematic process of collecting and evaluating student products to document progress toward the attainment of learning targets or show evidence that a learning target has been achieved Includes student participation in the selection and student self- re ection ??A collection of artifacts accompanied by a re ective narrative that not only helps the learner to understand and extend learning but invites the reader of the portfolio to gain insight about learning and the learner Porter Cleland CCHARACTERISTICS OF PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT Clearly de ?ned purpose and learning targets Systematic and organized collection of student products Preestablished guidelines for what will be included Student selection of some works that will be included Student self-re ection and self- evaluation Progress documented with speci ?c products and or evaluations Portfolio conferences between students and teachers CA PORTFOLIO IS Purposeful Systematic and well-organized Prestablished guidelines are set-up Students are engaged in the selection of some materials Clear and well-speci ?ed scoring criteria CPURPOSE OF PORTFOLIO Showcase portfolio Selection of best works Student chooses work pro ?le are accomplishments and individual pro ?le emerges Documentation portfolio Like a scrapbook of information and examples Inlcudes observations tests checklists and rating scales Evaluation portfolio More standardized Assess student learning with self- re ection Examples are selected by teachers and predetermined CADVANTAGES OF PORTFOLIO Students are actively involved in self- evaluation and self-re ection Involves collaborative assessment Ongoing process where students demonstrate performance evaluate revise and produce quality work Focus on self-improvement rather than comparison with others Students become more engaged in learning because both instruction and assessment shift from teacher controlled to mix of internal and external control Products help teachers diagnose learning di ?culties clarify reasons for evaluation Flexible CDISADVATNTAGES Scoring di ?culties may lead to low reliability Teacher training needed Time-consuming to develop criteria score and meet students Students may not make good selections of which of which material to include Sampling of student products may lead to weak generalization Parents ?nd the portfolio di ?cult to underdstand CSTEPS IN PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT Determine the the purpose Identify physical structure Determine sources of content Determine sources of content Determine student re ective guidelines and scoring criteria Review with students Portfolio content supplied by teacher and or student Student self- evaluation of contents Teacher evaluation of content and student self- evaluation Student-teacher conference Portfolios returned to students for school CPURPOSE Based on speci ?c learning targets Ideal for assessing product skill and
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- Publié le Oct 31, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 37.6kB