Power bi guide Getting started with Power BI Desktop ? minutes to read ? In this article How to use this guide How Power BI Desktop works Install and run Power BI Desktop Connect to data Shape and combine data Shape data Combine data Build reports Share y

Getting started with Power BI Desktop ? minutes to read ? In this article How to use this guide How Power BI Desktop works Install and run Power BI Desktop Connect to data Shape and combine data Shape data Combine data Build reports Share your work Diagnostics Next steps Welcome to the Power BI Desktop Getting Started Guide This short tour of Power BI Desktop gets you acquainted with how it works demonstrates what it can do and accelerates your ability to build robust data models ?? along with amazing reports ?? that amplify your business intelligence e ?orts Prefer to watch instead of read Feel free to take a look at our getting started video And if you want to follow along with the video with matching sample data you can download this sample Excel workbook CPower BI Desktop lets you create a collection of queries data connections and reports that can easily be shared with others Power BI Desktop integrates proven Microsoft technologies ?? the powerful Query engine data modeling and visualizations ?? and works seamlessly with the online Power BI service With the combination of Power BI Desktop where analysts and others can create powerful data connections models and reports and the Power BI service where Power BI Desktop reports can be shared so users can view and interact with them new insights from the world of data are easier to model build share and extend Data analysts will ?nd Power BI Desktop a powerful exible and a highly accessible tool to connect with and shape the world of data build robust models and craft well-structured reports How to use this guide You can use this guide in a couple of ways ?? scan it for a quick overview or read through each section for a strong understanding of how Power BI Desktop works If you ? re in a hurry you can do a visual sweep of this guide in just a couple minutes and come away with a good sense of how Power BI Desktop operates and how to use it Most Cof this guide consists of screens that visually show how Power BI Desktop works For a more thorough understanding you can read through each section perform the steps and walk away with your own Power BI Desktop ?le that ? s ready to post onto the Power BI service and share with others ? Note There is also a separate and specialized version of Power BI called Power BI Report Server which is for customers who need their data and reporting to remain onpremises For use with that specialized version there's also a separate and specialized version of Power BI Desktop called Power BI Desktop for Power BI Report Server which works only with the Report Server version of Power BI This article describes the standard Power BI Desktop How Power BI Desktop works With Power BI Desktop you connect to data usually multiple data sources shape that data with queries that build

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  • Publié le Fev 28, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 62kB