Second sight walkthrough ps2 ign faqs

Second Sigh Walk h o gh PS Proudly hosted by IGN Walk h o gh Share Direc -link i Get Email Alerts Boa d G ide Walk h o gh FAQ Chea Add to Wishlist Add to Collection Playing Now -------------------------SECOND SIGHT Sony PlayStation FAQ Walkthrough Version Last Updated - By Crazyreyn crazyreyn faqs hotmail com Copyright c Matthew Reynolds All rights reserved -------------- Legal Notice -------------- The ONLY site that may have this FAQ is http faqs ign com This is an IGN exclusive FAQ so this is the only place you will be able to ?nd this guide If you see this FAQ on a site other than IGN then please contact me or IGN straight away Thanks ----------------- Contact Details ----------------- If you see a fault of ANY kind or you want to contribute some data to me then either email me at crazyreynfaqs hotmail com OR speak to me on MSN Messenger on crazyreynfaqs hotmail com or on AIM at Crazyreyn If you are emailing me then please have the subject title as 'Second Sight FAQ' or something similar otherwise it will not be opened Full credit will be given in due course Or feel free to ask me any questions you wish comment on this FAQ etc then do that same as above If you could rate this FAQ so I can get some feedback Thank You ---------------INTRODUCTION ---------------- Hello and welcome to the Second Sight FAQ Walkthrough This text document will provide you will a full walkthrough to the game how to use the Psi abilities plus information on the extras Second Sight is very good game if a little short that o ?ers something a little di ?erent from standard action games It o ?ers a mix of pure action and stealth with a slight sprinkle of puzzles to round it up Although this game looks a lot like the TimeSplitters series I think that Free Radical have done a great job of making it PLAY di ?erently and it certainly plays well And if you are wondering how I got this game before the US release I live in the UK and this came out here before it did in the States Very rare for Europe --------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------- Version History Game Overview Story Characters C Basics Controls Psi Abilities Walkthrough Extras Statistics Hidden Games FAQ's Conclusion and Special Thanks --------------------- VERSION HISTORY ---------------------- -------------------------- Version - -------------------------- The ?rst complete version of this FAQ Everything is complete ------------------- GAME OVERVIEW -------------------- This section provides you with an overview of Second Sight including details on Story Characters Controls Basics and those fantastic Psi abilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Story - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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