Using strategies for a purpose a resource guide for secondary foreign language learners
Using Strategies for a Purpose A Resource Guide for Secondary Foreign Language Learners Georgetown University Center for Applied Linguistics The George Washington University CDear Students Your teacher has given you this booklet NOT because he or she takes some sort of sadistic joy in giving you more work although we do wonder about that sometimes but because he or she wants to make your life EASIER Learning strategies are the key to learning more in less time Get it Less time studying equals more time for fun things the things you actually want to be doing If you use learning strategies when you study you ? ll get more out of the time you spend studying spend less time overall studying and you ? ll probably even get better grades Actually you already use a whole bunch of learning strategies to you do and remember things both inside and outside of class The point here is to make you aware of the way you think so you can take control of those special tools your brain already knows how to use Here ? s an example Have you ever been reading a story in Spanish and come across a word you didn ? t know You could probably make a guess about that word by looking at the other words in the sentence or story When you did that you were actually using a learning strategy called Make Inferences You made a guess by using what you already knew to ?gure out the meaning of a word How about another example Have you noticed that when you conjugate di ?erent French verbs you tend to use the same set of endings This is your oh-so-smart brain using the strategy Find Apply Patterns You ?gure out that there seems to be a set of rules conjugating French verbs and you use this set of rules to conjugate new verbs that you are learning These strategies can be used to learn any language plus other school subjects like English and Science The trick is to think about thinking Once you learn how your brain works you ? ll ?gure out how YOU learn best and before you know it you ? ll be acing those exams Best Wishes Erin ? National Capital Language Resource Center Learner ? s Guide to Using Strategies for a Purpose C ? National Capital Language Resource Center Learner ? s Guide to Using Strategies for a Purpose C ? National Capital Language Resource Center Learner ? s Guide to Using Strategies for a Purpose CHow to use this Booklet This booklet is designed to make your life easier and more interesting You will ?nd a list of language learning strategies with speci ?c examples of how they can help you complete foreign language assignments and activities Most of these strategies will help you in all of your subjects ?? not just foreign language ?? because they will help you become a more independent and con ?dent learner
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 06, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 56.1kB