Qualification recognition guide

Quali ?cation Recognition Guide A guide to providing evidence that your quali ?cation and learning meets the CITPNZ benchmark education requirements Version March CTable of Contents Introduction Updated requirements and information The Quali ?cation Assessment process Cost of the Quali ?cation Recognition service Appeals and other options Quali ?cation level requirements Ensuring your quali ?cation is at the correct level Determining the level Quali ?cation content requirements No need for content assessment if you hold current CITPNZ certi ?cation Quali ?cation content criteria Table Essential quali ?cation and learning-based requirements Table Important components in uenced by quali ?cations or learning Guide to completing the ITP Evidence Document Document Section Your details Document Section Quali ?cation and Learning Document Section Evidence of substantive Computing or IT content Document Section Other information General principles for assessment CIntroduction This Quali ?cation Recognition Guide outlines how to provide evidence that your quali ?cations combined with other learning meet the benchmark educational requirements for Chartered IT Professional NZ CITPNZ certi ?cation in New Zealand via ITP ? s Quali ?cation Assessment service You should undertake this process if ? Immigration New Zealand or NZQA requests it for your visa application ? You want to know whether your quali ?cation or base quali ?cation and subsequent learning compares to New Zealand industry expectations using the CITPNZ benchmark requirements ? A potential employer or education provider requests that you undergo this process to assess your quali ?cations against the CITPNZ benchmark requirements Note that this guide should not be used as a guide to the process or requirements of the full CITPNZ application or assessment process itself Chartered IT Professional NZ CITPNZ is a broad-based professional certi ?cation for senior IT Professionals The requirements for CITPNZ focus on whether those practicing at a senior level have a strong mix of education experiential and ethical practice such that their advice can be relied upon This ITP Quali ?cation Recognition process is not the full CITPNZ assessment process ?? it looks solely at the educational aspect of the CITPNZ requirements to ascertain whether an applicant meets the benchmark educational requirements for CITPNZ It also focuses on quali ?cations to meet the benchmark educational requirements whereas the full CITPNZ assessment process provides multiple pathway options including without a degree provided su ?cient other learning has been undertaken To be clear you can obtain CITPNZ without a degree provided you have a broad mix of other learning however a degree is a minimum requirement for ITP ? s Quali ?cation Recognition service This guide contains the following sections ? Section An outline of the assessment process ? Section Details of the quali ?cation level requirements including the Level pre-condition ? Section Details of the quali ?cation content requirements ? Section A walk-through guide for completing the ITPNZ Evidence Document Updated requirements and information This guide is for information only and is correct at the time of publication However requirements will change from time to time The most up-to-date and correct information

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  • Publié le Mai 27, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 65kB