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Bibliographie A Abaroa F A L ? intelligence des émotions une relecture des fondements de l ? intelligence émotionnelle ? Revue internationale de psychosociologie - Abu-Tineh A M Khasawneh S A Al-Omari A A Kouzes and Posner ? s transformational leadership model in practice The case of Jordanian schools Leadership Organization Development Journal - Alami S Desjeux D Garabuau-Moussaoui I L ? approche qualitative Que sais-je - Albrow M Do organizations have feelings Psychology Press Alderfer C P Existence Relatedness and Growth Human Needs in Organizational Settings New York Free Press Allal-Chérif O Bidan M Collaborative open training with serious games Relations culture knowledge innovation and desire Journal of Innovation Knowledge - Allard - Poesi F Marechal C Construction de l ? objet de recherche ? in Thiétart R A coll Méthodes et Recherche en Management Paris Dunod ?? Allard-Poesi F Coder les données ? in Giordano I dir Conduire un projet de recherche une perspective qualitative EMS p - Allard- Poesi F Maréchal G Construction de l ? objet de la recherche ? in Thiétart R -A et al Méthodes de recherche en management Dunod e ed Paris Allard-Poesi F Maréchal G Construction de l ? objet de la recherche ? in Thiétart R -A et al Méthodes de recherche en management Dunod e ed Paris Allix-Desfautaux C Triangulation vers un dépassement de l ? opposition qualitatif quantitatif ? Économies et Sociétés Sciences de Gestion n p - Ames D R Flynn F J What breaks a leader The curvilinear relation between assertiveness and leadership Journal of personality and social psychology Anadon M et Guillemette F La recherche qualitative est-elle nécessairement inductive ? Recherche qualitative Hors-série n p Andersen P A Guerrero L K Handbook of communication and emotion Research theory applications and contexts San Diego CA Academic Press Andreani J C Conchon F Méthodes d ? analyse et d ? interprétation des études qualitatives état de l ? art en marketing Andreani J C Conchon F Méthodes d ? analyse et d ? interprétation des études qualitatives État de l ? art en marketing Antonakis J Transformational and charismatic leadership The nature of leadership Sage publications Antonakis J Day D V Eds The nature of leadership Sage publications Antonakis J Eubanks D L Looking leadership in the face Current Directions in Psychological Science Antonakis J Ashkanasy N M Dasborough M Does leadership need emotional intelligence The Leadership Quarterly ?? Argyle M Martin L The origins of happiness Subjective well-being - Aritz J and Walker R C Leadership styles in multicultural groups Americans and East Asians working together ? Journal of Business Communication Vol No pp - Arnold M B a Emotion and Personality vol Psychological Aspects New York Columbia University Press Arnold M B b Emotion and Personality vol Neurological and Physiological Aspects New York Columbia University Press CBibliographie Arvey R D Rotundo M Johnson W Zhang Z McGue M The determinants of leadership role occupancy Genetic and personality factors The Leadership Quarterly Asch S Social Psychology New
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- Publié le Nov 12, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 237.9kB