Size guide collar Snap Collar Small ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrow
Snap Collar Small ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrows of corresponding letters Measure collar around dog ? s neck to determine correct size A MIN ? ? ? MAX ? TAPE A S S CSnap Collar Medium ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrows of corresponding letters Measure collar around dog ? s neck to determine correct size MIN ? ? ? ? ? MAX ? B M M A TAPE B TAPE A M CSnap Collar Large ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrows of corresponding letters Measure collar around dog ? s neck to determine correct size MIN ? ? ? ? ? ? MAX ? B L A TAPE B L TAPE A L CMartingale Collar Small ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrows of corresponding letters Measure collar around dog ? s neck to determine correct size A MIN ? ? ? MAX ? TAPE A S S CMartingale Collar Medium ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrows of corresponding letters Measure collar around dog ? s neck to determine correct size MIN ? ? ? ? ? MAX ? B A TAPE A M TAPE B M M CMartingale Collar Large ? - ? Print collar at actual size Be sure not to scale or ?t to page Verify printed accuracy by comparing the inch markings with a ruler Cut out all pieces of the collar Tape pieces together being careful to align arrows of corresponding letters Measure collar around dog ? s neck to determine correct size MIN ? ? ? ? ? ? MAX ? B L L A TAPE B TAPE A L CT-Shirt Women ? s XS S M L A CHEST From inch below arm hole B LENGTH From high point on shoulder ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Note Sizes above are before washing Our t-shirts are not pre-shrunk Expect to shrinkage after garment is washed
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mai 03, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 24.8kB