Rock amp roll revolution C E Shepherd Company manufacturer of high quality corrosion resistant wire mesh products since the ? s invites you to join our Rock Roll Revolution Mountain Brook Country Club Birmingham AL Modular Gabions Gabion Mattresses confor

C E Shepherd Company manufacturer of high quality corrosion resistant wire mesh products since the ? s invites you to join our Rock Roll Revolution Mountain Brook Country Club Birmingham AL Modular Gabions Gabion Mattresses conform to ASTM A - and are ideal for Bank Channel Protection Retaining Walls Culvert Outlets Weirs Drop Structures Groins Jetties Shore Defense Modular Gabions Gabion Mattresses are approved by these agencies US Army Corps of Engineers USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service US DOT Federal Highway Administration Federal Aviation Administration US Department of Interior CLetter Length Width Height Capacity Code in Cu Yds A ' ' ' B ' ' ' C ' ' ' D ' ' ' E ' ' ' F ' ' ' G ' ' ' H ' ' ' I ' ' ' A ' ' ' AA ' ' ' BB ' ' ' CC ' ' ' DD ' ' ' EE ' ' ' FF ' ' ' GG ' ' ' HH ' ' ' II ' ' ' AD ' ' ' BE ' ' ' CF ' ' ' Notes Metric sizes are also available Use - diameter stone ?ll gabion n - a wire fabric container uniformly partitioned of variable size interconnected with other similar containers and ?lled with stone at the site of use to form exible permeable monolithic structures such as retaining walls sea walls channel linings revetments weirs etc for erosion and ood control MSE Wall in Vestavia Hills AL Speci ?ed by private owner GALVANIZED PVC COATED X X cm Mesh Opening X X cm - US Gauge mm Mesh Wire diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating - US Gauge mm Mesh Wire diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating - US Gauge mm Lacing Wire diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating - US Gauge mm Spiral Binders diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating ASTM A- Zinc Coating ASTM A- Minimum PVC Coating Thickness Per Side Nominal PVC Coating Thickness Per Side Concho River San Angelo TX - City of San Angelo Bu ?alo Bayou Houston TX - US Army Corps of Engineers Cgabion mattress n - a gabion with relatively small height in relation to the lateral dimensions generally used for lining channels bank and shore protection levee revetment scour protection aprons etc Black Warrior River AL US Army Corps of Engineers Letter Length Width Height Capacity Code in Cu Yds Q ' ' R ' ' T ' ' U ' ' VV ' ' W ' ' Notes Metric sizes are also available Use - diameter stone ?ll GALVANIZED PVC COATED X X cm Mesh Opening X X cm - US Gauge mm Mesh Wire diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating - US Gauge mm Lacing Wire diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating - US Gauge mm Spiral Binders diameter - US Gauge mm Plus PVC Coating ASTM A- Zinc Coating ASTM A- Minimum

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