Office policy manual reference guide

CTable of Contents Chapter Why Develop a Policy Manual Chapter Getting Started What is a Policy The Connection between Mission and Policy Policies Empower How to Start Creating Your Policy Manual Employment Policies Employment Status Records Employee Bene ?ts Payroll Workplace Guidelines Employee Conduct E-Policies Preview the OPM Sections as a Primer Organization Culture and Policies Get Support from Sta ? The Role of Procedures and Forms Chapter Writing Policies and the Approval Process Write Edit Re-Write Edit Re-Write Clarity Conciseness and Coherence Write for Your Reader Professional Writing Style Make It Look Good Review and Approval Process Chapter Distributing New Policies Printed Manual Electronic Distribution of Policies Training Avoiding Policy Proliferation Chapter Policy Manual for Nonpro ?ts Nonpro ?t Version Board Committees Board Member Manual Bibliography About the O ?ceReady O ?ce Policy Manual U S Department of Labor Posters Poster Requirements Job Descriptions CCHAPTER WHY DEVELOP A POLICY MANUAL Policy manuals are developed to help sta ? and management teams run the organization In best use situations policies play a strategic role in an organization They are developed in light of the mission and objectives of the company and they become the media by which management ? s plans rules intents and business processes become documented and communicated to all sta ? Carefully drafted and standardized policies and procedures save the company countless hours of management time The consistent use and interpretation of such policies in an evenhanded and fair manner reduces management's concern about legal issues becoming legal problems There is more about the legal aspects of policy later in this section Policy manuals and their close relative the employee handbook should be an important part of the operation They should be the ?rst thing given to a new employee either in hard copy of an electronic version They should also be easily accessible in their most up-todate version Hence it is extremely important that an organization ? s policies be a ??living document ? prepared and saved in Microsoft Word and easily exported into portable versions like PDF and made available over the company network Consider the bene ?ts of written policies a set of written guidelines for human resource decisions Better yet think about the bene ?ts of the process of developing policies The process your company management team undergoes when comparing the policy alternatives understanding their importance and evaluating your company's current practices will help you to develop your company's guidelines and procedures that will make your organization a better run entity Consider the bene ?ts of better communication within your organization A policy manual is a means of communication with employees it is ?rst a way to communicate to employees the management rules and guidelines of the organization Employees want and need that type of guidance in black and white In addition policies help to organize and announce management's plans for growth and they communicate the company's investment in its employees by explaining employee bene ?ts and workplace issues O ?ceReady O ?ce

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  • Publié le Nov 24, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 95.9kB