Presentation of references quotations and bibliographical entries

PRESENTATION OF REFERENCES QUOTATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES TRANSLATED AND ADAPTED BY KAREN SHERMAN VERSION ORIGINALE EN FRANÇAIS HEC MONTRÉAL Important When you present someone else ? s work as your own you commit plagiarism Plagiarism is an act of fraud that can incur sanctions ranging up to expulsion from HEC Montréal Any total or partial reproduction be it a few words a couple of lines or more than one page of a text written by another author along with any quotation of ideas must include the exact reference to the source regardless of whether the original text is a printed or electronic document see Appendix for examples of plagiarism For more information please consult the biblioguide Citer ses sources HEC Montréal a To avoid unintentional plagiarism it is recommended that when taking notes you clearly distinguish all information full or partial sentences and ideas taken from other authors May C Presentation of references and quotations in a text Here are some ways to refer to other authors ? works in your own texts using the author date method which is preferred in most ?elds rather than the footnote see Section Exact reproduction of another person ? s words and reference in the text according to the author date method Examples ? Quotation of a complete sentence ??He ? s the one who will give our young people most of whom are budding Craftsmen a chance to get started ? Pitcher ? Run-in quotation integrated in a sentence Regarding the role of the Craftsman vis-à-vis the younger generation ??he ? s the one who will mentor empower and teach and train and invest in them ? Pitcher ? Run-in quotation that is slightly modi ?ed as part of a sentence ??The Craftsman ? will give our young people most of whom are budding Craftsmen a chance to get started ? Pitcher ? Run-in quotation preceded by a preposition such as according to According to Pitcher ??the important thing for the Craftsman is less that the person displays what they know and what they want to learn to do ? Or According to Pitcher ??the important thing for the Craftsman is less that the person displays what they know and what they want to learn to do ? ? Run-in quotation introduced by a speech verb followed by the conjunction that Pitcher asserts that ??the Craftsman is the preserver and the mentor ? Punctuation Always enclose a short quotation in quotation marks Use italics for a short quotation if it is in any language other than English if you are writing in English The reference that follows the quotation is placed after the closing quotation mark ?? between parentheses and before the ?nal punctuation mark of the sentence In parentheses the author ? s name and date are separated by a comma The reference to the page is the last item inside the parentheses The short quotation normally of three lines or fewer is di ?erentiated from the long quotation more three

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  • Publié le Jan 02, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 73.2kB