Ramp guide DELIVERING MENTAL WELL-BEING SERVICES ONLINE CForeword As a unique group of organisations working together to bring psychological therapies to the NHS and improve access for all who need them the New Savoy Partnership is delighted to support th

DELIVERING MENTAL WELL-BEING SERVICES ONLINE CForeword As a unique group of organisations working together to bring psychological therapies to the NHS and improve access for all who need them the New Savoy Partnership is delighted to support the Risk Awareness and Management Programme RAMP Our joint mission is to ensure people of all ages and backgrounds who need psychological therapy can have appropriate and timely support delivered by therapists with the right skills through the NHS As a group of organisations committed to excellence in the quality of the services we o ?er it is appropriate to have a document such as this which provides guidelines on good practices to organisations delivering mental well-being services online People know they have to take responsibility for their own mental health and the digital world o ?ers an unprecedented opportunity for those bearing the distress of an emergent or existing mental health problem to ?nd support and information at the earliest possible stage However people often also need expect and are entitled to support from mental health services during their journey towards recovery To date there can only be a limited con ?dence in what they discover online For many people it will often be di ?cult to distinguish the helpful from the less so And for commissioners and clinicians it will often not be easy to navigate their way in a fast-moving market The RAMP initiative is relevant to mental well-being providers who wish to o ?er the highest quality of online services and to people who wish to ?nd and choose support that suits them knowing it will meet approved standards I warmly thank those who have worked hard to produce these guidelines and commend them to you as an important contribution towards realising the ambitions of the New Savoy Declaration Jeremy Clarke Chair of the New Savoy Partnership CTable of Contents Foreword Authors and Contributors Supporters and Sponsors About RAMP Introduction Bene ?ts of mental well-being services being more accessible online Risk Awareness and Management Program Online therapeutic service provision may involve one or more of the following Four Key Areas of Responsibilities for Providers RAMP and the four categories of risks associated with online interactions Data Protection and Respect of Personal Information General guidance and resources Risks of failing to address risk in relation to data protection and privacy include Table Data Protection Risk Awareness and Management Programme to manage key risks in relation to Content Table Data Protection Risk Awareness and Management Programme to manage key risks in relation to Contact Table Data Protection Risk Awareness and Management Programme to manage key risks in relation to Conduct and Commerce Informed Consent General guidance and resources Consent to have data processed Consent in relation to treatment Risk of not having e ?ective consent procedures in place Table Informed Consent Risk Awareness and Management Programme to manage key risks in relation to Content Table Informed Consent Risk Awareness and Management Programme to manage key risks in relation to Contact Table

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  • Publié le Jui 21, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 155.7kB