Transcription style guide rev 2 08

Transcription Style Guide Rev Columbus Avenue San Francisco toll-free -TIGERFISH www tiger ?sh com CIntroduction Tiger ?sh generally follows the style guidelines set out in The Associated Press Stylebook rather than the Chicago Manual of Style Words Into Type or any other recognized source book This document has three sections ? Formatting Standards ?? Containing information speci ?c to transcription for Tiger ?sh such as standards for speaker identi ?cation formatting documents time coding and so on ? Types of Transcripts ?? Contains information about the style of speci ?c types of transcripts ? Usage Standards ?? Listing some commonly used standards that appear in The AP Stylebook as well as some exceptions and additional items that apply to Tiger ?sh transcriptions This is a living document and subject to revision In addition you may from time to time receive instructions speci ?c to an individual job based on standards requested from a customer Formatting Standards Before You Type This document assumes that transcribers are using Microsoft Word Before typing a transcript please turn o ? all ??Auto Format As You Type ? features in Microsoft Word To do so go to the Tools Menu then Auto Correct then the ??Auto Format As You Type ? tab and uncheck all auto-formatting options Under the ??Format ? tab in Microsoft Word select ??Paragraph ? Set the line spacing option to ??single ? As You Type When switching speaker IDs or beginning new paragraphs manually hit enter twice Tab once between the speaker ID and the text Do not embolden italicize or underline words or phrases for added emphasis CDo not include extensive descriptions of speakers ? actions unless requested by the client When required you may use the following ? Laughs or Laughter ? Applause ? Director ? s Comments Facilitator ? s Comments or B-Roll to indicate o ?-topic discussion the distinction between these will be explained later in this document ? Audio Gap to indicate an extended break in audio ? Start of New Interview to indicate the change of an interview subject during a continuous piece of audio or video Beginning Ending a Transcript ?? The ?rst two lines of the document should contain the transcript ?lename such as ABCDExxxxx TRN and the title speci ?ed in the work order such as Meeting Minutes It is not necessary to include your name Begin all transcriptions with the notation Beginning of recorded material or if appropriate Abrupt beginning of recorded material At the end of the transcribed document type End of recorded material or if appropriate Abrupt end of recorded material Do not mark End of Part A Begin Part B when a ?le is split into A B parts unless speci ?cally asked to Example ABCDExxxxx TTC Dr John Allende On Water Fowl Beginning of Recorded Material Male Voice I ? m pleased and excited to introduce North America ? s leading authority on wild water fowl and their habitats Dr John Allende Tonight Dr Allende will be

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  • Publié le Mar 05, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 57.3kB