Transparency guide WHITE PAPER A Designer ? s Guide to Transparency for Print Output with Adobe So ware About This Guide Chapter Introduction to Transparency Chapter Creating and Viewing Transparency Chapter Importing Files That Contain Transparency Chapt

WHITE PAPER A Designer ? s Guide to Transparency for Print Output with Adobe So ware About This Guide Chapter Introduction to Transparency Chapter Creating and Viewing Transparency Chapter Importing Files That Contain Transparency Chapter Building Pages with Transparency Chapter Saving and Exporting Files with Transparency Chapter Printing Files with Transparency CAdobe Systems Incorporated ? Park Avenue San Jose CA - USA ? www adobe com Adobe the Adobe logo Acrobat Distiller Illustrator InDesign PageMaker Photoshop PostScript and ??Tools for the New Work ? are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and or other countries Mac is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc registered in the United States and other countries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Pantone is the property of Pantone Inc Sales-enabled PDF Web-enabled PDF Print-ready version ? Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved Printed in the USA CABOUT THIS GUIDE Who It ? s For A Designer ? s Guide to Transparency is for designers who use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign so ware Why It Was Created ? is guide is an educational resource for Illustrator and InDesign users who create transparency e ?ects when designing for print output Its purpose is To identify and explain the transparency-related features in Illustrator and InDesign including how to create display import export and print transparency e ?ects To teach designers how to build pages with transparency e ?ects that print correctly and produce the intended results To provide information about known issues and solutions relating to transparency How It ? s Organized A Designer ? s Guide to Transparency contains six chapters which are described below Most chapters begin with an introduction and then present Illustrator-speci ? c information followed by InDesign-speci ? c information While this guide focuses on Illustrator and InDesign it also includes information about Adobe PDF Portable Document Format ? les and their use of transparency Chapter Introduction to Transparency explains the transparency-related capabilities in Adobe graphics applications and how they have evolved over the past several years It also includes an explanation of several key terms and concepts related to transparency and printing Chapter Creating and Viewing Transparency lists and explains the transparency-creation and transparency-display features in Illustrator and InDesign Chapter Importing Files That Contain Transparency lists importable ? le formats that can contain transparency and explains the capabilities of each ? le type Chapter Building Pages with Transparency explains how to build pages with transparency e ?ects so that they print correctly and produce the intended results Chapter Saving and Exporting Files with Transparency lists the ? le formats you can export using Illustrator and InDesign and explains the transparency capabilities of the various formats and their suitability for print output Chapter Printing Files with Transparency explains how to prepare ? les for low-resolution proof printing and high-resolution output CCreate transparent overlays The Multiply blending mode is applied to the top object an opacity value of is applied to the

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  • Publié le Aoû 12, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 134.4kB