guide A guide to ?lling in the application for admission as an international student Please ?ll in the application form completely Failure to ?ll in all the required section may result in your application being declined The application deadline for Group

A guide to ?lling in the application for admission as an international student Please ?ll in the application form completely Failure to ?ll in all the required section may result in your application being declined The application deadline for Group applicants is December of the previous year The application deadline for Group applicants is November of the year previous to the one you are applying to start in Please note that this is di ?erent to what is stated on the generic Massey University application form for semester two international applicants Part A ?? Please ?ll in your personal details An example is shown below Some applicants choose to use an agent to handle their application process for them It is not compulsory and most students apply directly to the International Students o ?ce If you are using an agent please note their details here If you are not using an agent just write N A in the agents stamp section CPart B ?? English Language Programs ? Veterinary applicants should leave this section blank Part C ?? Diplomas Degrees Doctoral Study If you are applying as a Group applicant ?ll your form in as shown below Replace the XX in the year section with the year you are applying to start If you are applying as a Group applicant ?ll your form in as shown below Replace the XX in the year section with the year you are applying to start CAcademic Background Higher Education ?? refers to post secondary i e after high school Please list all the post secondary aka tertiary institutions you have studied at and provide transcripts for each of these If you have studied at the tertiary level overseas then you usually do not need to provide certi ?ed o ?cial documentation of academic results from your high school NB ? the word quali ?cation refers to any diploma degree certi ?cate etc Credit Assessment You must tick yes to this section Please provide course descriptions for any science classes you have taken that might give you credit for the pre ? requisite classes for example ? general biology classes genetics cell molecular biology zoology vertebrate anatomy or physiology general intro ?rst year chemistry organic chemisty intro college general ?rst year physics etc We do not require course descriptions for non ? science classes We do not require the full syllabus from the classes you have taken Generally a word document that you have cut and pasted the description from your online course catalog will su ?ce In this instance please also copy and paste the link to where the information was sourced from If in the unlikely event we needed more information than this we will contact you by email to request it Intended Career ?? you must ?ll this in as follows English Language Pro ?ciency If you are from a country where English is the ?rst language i e USA Canada excluding Quebec UK you usually do not have to sit

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  • Publié le Jan 04, 2023
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 25.4kB