2 download magnibar desktop tool and get hsquote information

Download MagniBar Desktop Tool and Get HSQuote Information CYou can ?nd Yahoo ticker symbols from the following website links These symbols can be used directly with HSQuote Yahoo Major World Indices http ?nance yahoo com intlindices e americas Yahoo Major US Indices http ?nance yahoo com indices e dow jones Yahoo Europe US Stock Lists http uk biz yahoo com p uk cpi index html Yahoo Asia Paci ?c Stock Lists http sg biz yahoo com il Yahoo Finance help http help yahoo com l us yahoo ?nance quotes While many ticker symbols from Yahoo Finance can be automatically retrieved with the ??Open Menu Advanced Features Download Ticker Lists ? feature there are times you may need to assemble ticker lists manually The following method may be used Open a blank Microsoft Excel worksheet and a blank Notepad Go to the URL and look for the country that you want to get ticker symbols Usually you can ?nd the 'Components' link for the index Or anyway that shows ticker symbols on one page Use your mouse to highlight select the whole table starting from the ?rst row to the end of the table Just select the whole table press ctrl-c to copy it Now go to the Excel sheet press ctrl-v to paste the whole table onto it You just want the column that lists the ticker symbols usually the ?rst column not the Name column So select the whole column press ctrl-c Go to the blank Notepad press ctrl-v to paste it Save the list of tickers with an extension tic The ? Create Ticker List ? button provides many useful resources and animated help New users should take a tour on the di ?erent topics Manually enter Yahoo ticker symbols Download and use pre- packaged ticker lists Assemble tickers from Yahoo sites Link ticker lists together for one-click download Create Currencies list for use with Oanda server Create Commodity Futures list for Brite Futures server C Store Downloaded Data to User-De ?ned Folders The ?xed structure for data ?le location provides a consistent way to access to di ?erent data subfolders However users may have some unique situations to store data ?les in non-standard way For example data for certain portfolio ticker lists may be always downloaded and stored in an external thumb drive Another common usage is when you want to keep several ticker lists but want to merge all the MetaStock data ?les in one single subfolder for easy access by a Technical Analysis program The following feature can be used You will need to rename each of these portfolio ticker lists to have the ? ? pre ?x For example ??FSTE tic ? and ??FSTE tic ? etc Then you open this con ?guration ?le ??xferdir cfg ? located in the Program Installation folder with NotePad or other simple text editing programs For each ticker list add one line in the format of Name of Ticker List Full Path Name of Folder to Store Data

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  • Publié le Fev 06, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 225.2kB