dreshaper beginners guide

DReshaper Help DReshaper Beginner's Guide Tank Page of C DReshaper Help Introduction The Tank module is dedicated to tank analysis It is aimed to above ground tanks with vertical cylinder design single shell with or without roof This module brings a full work ow designed to follow main requests from API Nevertheless it provides generic tools D inspection color maps sections etc so that it can be versatile enough and enable the inspection using di ?erent standards or considering other types of tanks horizontal cylindrical shapes for example This module can be added to the standard con ?guration of DReshaper The following pages will guide you through the work ow for a complete analysis of a tank Note that you always need to create a mesh of the tank before being able to use the tools from the Tank Module You can use the tools from the Base license to clean the scans and create an accurate mesh The tank used in these exercises results from an inside scan of a tank This module can obviously also be used on tanks scanned only from the outside De ?ne the project Start the project Compute the best cylinder Separate the shell D Inspection Compute the inspection Unroll the color map D Inspection Roundness Verticality Settlements Di ?erential settlements Localized settlements Create a Tank Inspection Report Page of C DReshaper Help De ?ne the project Exercise De ?ne the project and prepare the data for the inspections Start the project Compute the best cylinder Separate the shell Start the project Open the ?le ??TankInspection rsh ? This ?le contains the mesh of a tank It will be used through all the following exercises Select the mesh Tank mesh and launch Tank Create Edit project First give a name to the project or take the standard name Tank project You can then de ?ne a speci ?c orientation point for the tank using the Entering point procedure Place it on the top of the manhole The elevation marker will automatically be on the lowest point You can place it on the bottom of the mesh Both markers can be used as references in several functions from the Tank module Finally enter the theoretical height of the tank m Click OK to create the project A new folder has been created in the tree containing several objects Tank Info this element cannot be displayed in the D scene It is a property sheet containing de ?nitions and results from the project Tank mesh the initial mesh chosen for the project Tank Project Orientation Reference and Tank Project Elevation Reference the two markers As the project is de ?ned all next computed results will automatically be inserted inside this same folder On top of this you will not need to select your mesh again before using the next functions As soon as a tank project is de ?ned commands will automatically use the mesh of the tank as input Nevertheless it is always possible to

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  • Publié le Oct 26, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 46kB