Asanas guide Asanas Guide ?? Align With the Divine Jan Comments PREVIOUS ARTICLE NEXT ARTICLE DEMYSTIFYING YOGA Having trouble with your dhanurasana Here ? s a comprehensive guide to the science of asanas what you can do go deeper into your practice and h

Asanas Guide ?? Align With the Divine Jan Comments PREVIOUS ARTICLE NEXT ARTICLE DEMYSTIFYING YOGA Having trouble with your dhanurasana Here ? s a comprehensive guide to the science of asanas what you can do go deeper into your practice and how you can reap the most out of one ? s practice Enjoy Table of Contents What is an asana Asanas and emotions Asanas and awareness The science of asanas C asanas to attain Yogasanas ?? creating health joy and blissfulness Asana Siddhi Ease and stability ?? the third limb of yoga Creating a device to receive the divine Fine-tuning your asanas Flexibility during asanas The sequence of the asanas Why you shouldn ? t speak during asanas Breathing easy during yogasanas Why focusing on the breath is essential during asanas Why yogic practices are often done in sets of three Closing your eyes Toe to toe Heel to perineum Asanas Exploring how the body and mind work Still more on asanas What is an asana Sadhguru An asana is a posture There are innumerable postures your body can take Among these certain postures have been identi ?ed as ??yoga asanas ? or yogasanas ?? Yoga ? means that which takes you on to a higher dimension or higher perception of life So that kind of posture which leads you to a higher possibility is called a ??yogasana ? Asanas and emotions You may have noticed that for di ?erent mental and emotional situations that you go through your body naturally tends to take a certain posture If you are happy you sit one way When you are unhappy you sit another way When you are peaceful you sit one way if you are angry you sit another way Many times you can tell what is happening with someone by just observing the way they are sitting have you noticed Based on this conversely is the science of asanas ?? by consciously getting your body into a certain posture you can also elevate your consciousness You can change the very way you feel think understand and experience life by sitting in a particular way CAsanas and awareness Yogasanas are not exercises They are very subtle processes of manipulating your energy in a certain direction It needs to be done with a certain level of awareness There are various levels of doing asanas You can practice asanas just physically or more deeply being aware of the breath sensations reverberations being aware of the nadis or with appropriate mantras You can even do asanas without moving a limb That is also possible The science of asanas The science of asanas is known as hatha yoga ??Ha ? means sun ??ta ? means moon The ?rst process of yoga is to bring balance between the masculine and feminine in you Otherwise there will be no scaling of consciousness This is why Shiva is known as Ardhanarishvara ?? one half of him is a woman another half of him is a man He

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