Guide 2023 05 30T012014 573

CIE Computer Science IGCSE will ?rst be examined in It is available to private candidates syllabus p and is assessed by written exam only There are two papers and prerelease material is made available to centres around months before the exams The dedicated textbook for the new syllabus - Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science by David Watson and Helen Williams was published late in spring and contained various typos The content of the CD-ROM which was supposed to come with the book can be downloaded from Hodder Education If you purchased the original textbook for CIE Computer Science aka Comptuer Science from the typo on the spine you may be able to get the new updated version sent to you free of charge from Joan Cooke Customer Service Advisor Childrens and Education Departments Hachette UK Distribution Tel Email joan cooke bookpoint co uk The change to the content of the course is fairly minor - the main change is in the structure of the exam which has become all written exam-only so ideal for private candidates This means that textbooks for CIE Computer Studies should cover most of the material There appear to be only minor changes to content according to the newsletter update below but do check this yourself on the syllabus The Cambridge GCSE Computing MOOC has a section on Ethical Environmental and Legal considerations which would probably be helpful for the Computer Ethics section It also has a big section on hexadecimal numbers in the module on Representation of data in computer systems and a whole section on Arrays under the Programming module The syllabus is very speci ?c about what you need to know Previously named ? Computer Studies ? this syllabus has been reviewed to bring it up to date and to allow learners to begin the development of their computational thinking and programming skills Teachers are advised to read the whole syllabus before planning their teaching programme As ? Computer Science ? this syllabus now shares the same name as the AS AL syllabus formerly AS AL Computing indicating the ?rm links and progression between these syllabuses Changes to syllabus content ? One new practical topic introducing the concept of arrays and so enabling learners to develop programming solutions for real world problems ? Two new theory topics ? Computer ethics ? and ? Hexadecimal numbers ? ? One topic removed ? Systems life cycle ? Changes to assessment ? All components are externally assessed ? Both papers contain short answers and structured questions There is no choice of questions No calculators are permitted on either paper ? New Paper ? Problem-solving and Programming ? This paper replaces Paper ? Coursework ? and Paper ? Alternative to Coursework ? There are pre-release materials for Paper ? Problem-solving and Programming ? for candidates to complete practical tasks of the marks for this paper are from questions set on the pre-release material Teachers are expected to incorporate the pre- release material tasks into their lessons and give

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