Living non livingk 2 unit guide

Living Non-Living UNIT OVERVIEW The world is made up of both living and non-living things The unit Living Non-Living helps students explore the important di ?erences between the two The term living thing refers to things that are now or once were alive A non-living thing is anything that was never alive In order for something to be classi ?ed as living it must grow and develop use energy reproduce be made of cells respond to its environment and adapt While many things meet one or more of these criteria a living thing must meet all of the criteria Living and non-living things interact with each other all the time All books and Quick Reads are available at three reading levels to facilitate di ?erentiated instruction low reading level middle reading level high reading level THE BIG IDEA Humans rely on a wide variety of living and non-living things But we have to take care of living things di ?erently than non-living things Plants need water light and air to grow We need plants to use for food clothing and much more Animals require food water air and shelter We use animals for food clothing labor companionship and much more As humans we have the ability and responsibility to care for ourselves and other living things so that our own needs are met and to ensure that the world will always be full of diverse living things Other Topics This unit also addresses topics such as living things can have dead parts and living things rely on non-living things to survive Spark The spark is designed to get students thinking about the unit ? s topics and to generate curiosity and discussion Materials chalkboard or interactive whiteboard variety of familiar living and non-living items including a live plant optional magazines with pictures of living things ? Learning A ??Z All rights reserved ?? ??www sciencea-z com UNIT GUIDE Living Non-Living Activity Display a variety of familiar objects in front of the class Ask students to think about which ones are living and which ones are non-living Don ? t elicit responses or reasons at this time Draw a large T- chart on the board with the headings Living and NonLiving Be sure students understand the meaning of the pre ?x ??non- ? in the word non-living Ask volunteers to choose one of the displayed objects and have them tell you where on the chart they think you should list it Don ? t open their selections to discussion at this time simply gather students ? ?rst impressions and record them To supplement the objects on display you might also hold up pictures from magazines and have students evaluate them Once the chart has a good number of items listed ask the class to review the chart and discuss any items they feel might belong on the other side of the chart Whenever there is a consensus erase an item from one side and move it to the other Try to

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